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Vacation Scheduling Best Practice

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I've read the mocupancy info but choose to do vacation scheduleing differently.  I find it to be more energy efficient and more effective at deterring a burgler.  I do the following:

1. In when/then, schedule an event to run on Jan 1, 1900, every three days, in perpetuity.  This event fires several key lighting loads visible from outside.

2. In when/then, schedule an event to run on Jan 2, 1900, every three days, in perpetuity.  This event fires several key lighting loads visible from outside.

3. In when/then, schedule an event to run on Jan 3, 1900 every three days, in perpetuity.  This event fires several key lighting loads visible from outside.



These events run all the time, even when I'm home.  When I go on vacation, I activate the loads in the event.  When I'm not on vacation, I deactivate the lighting loads in the event.  While this system works beautifully, I don't like having to activate the loads, in each of the three schedules, when leaving for vacation and then deactivate the loads when I come back.  Can I set this up as follows:

4. Leave the schedule on in perpetuity, like it is today

5. Leave all the lighting loads always on in the three schedules, in perpetuity, instead of turning them on/off manually when leaving/returning from vacation

6. Add logic where the loads only activate if a 'Vacation' button is ALSO active on a certain keypad? This way, I simply hit the Vacation button before going on vacation!

If so, what would this programming code look like?  Can I do it in Composer HE or do I need to ask my dealer to implement?  

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