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Indicator lights and backlighting

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Just figured it out. Pushed the air gap button in on right side until popped out on left side and then pushed the left side back in and it rest indicator light to light up again. 
now is there anyway before a home owner to control when the indicator lights turn on and off by the amount of light in the room?  Also How do you control panel switches so that the indicator light comes on at night when the lights in the room are dark. The indicator lights will work if the room has some light in it but not if it’s dark?

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I meant paddle switches....some of them don’t show backlight or indicator lights in a completely dark room but will illuminate if there is light in the room or turn on the switch bringing the room lights on. Want the paddle switch indicator lights to work at all times regardless of amount of light in room. Any help out there?

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You can do this in Composer Home Edition or you will need a dealer to do it.  Your dealer will have more flexibility in what they can do than you will (via Composer HE).  The 2 primary options are:

1. Setting up the light sensors to determine the brightness of the backlights / LEDs - this is great but not always that accurate.

2. Program the backlight colour to change based on a schedule (e.g. white during the day, black at night with dim orange for one or two key keypads as this is very dim and easy on the eye at night).

Of course, you can also combine the above and make the programming more complex (e.g. I use white during the day or if the lights are on, or if the blinds are open, but override this with black if the TV is on... failing these conditions, I use black / orange with the orange dimmed via the method in 1 above)...

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Thanks for the reply.  As you can tell, I have the system, but was left with very little information by the company that put them in...telling me I would figure them out by using them and to call them to come out with any changes at a significant charge.  I initially told them how I wanted them, but obviously many switches don’t work as I thought with backlighting and indicator lights....programmed wrong for my use.  So are the two options stated above available on composer home edition?  And how do you obtain this program?  I do have the $100/year remote access to control Control4 functions when away from house.  Also are the backlighting on the white engraved buttons on the multi switches suppose to be on or off if there is a lot of daylight in the room. Mine are on all the time no matter the light in room (except for a few paddle switches that I mentioned above which I want indicator lights on all the time).  My engraved named buttons are backlit in white and sometimes hard to read in daytime, but great at night.  Do most users have backlighting on with all lighting conditions or a color during the day that isn’t white? Thanks for your help....

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Yes, you can do much of this with HE (which, from memory, costs US$150 and includes 1 year of remote access)... I would strongly recommend getting a remote dealer from this forum.  There are some good ones and asking the, to organise HE for you and set the backlights and LEDs up the way you want them.  You can then play around with HE to fine tune the system.

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