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Push Notify support?

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I`ve been using the PushNotify driver from Brightsky for a couple of years. 
bought it 2015 through Houselogix. 
Some weeks ago the driver suddenly stopped working. 
i tried reboot controller, my dealer changed API-key and verify the license key. But the LUA output just end with Message sent to server, when I send a message. 
When I create a notification through web, I get the message. So I`ve verified that its just through Control4 it doesnt work. 
i then tried to get support from houselogix. At houselogix site I get the message that if I need support I should contact SnapOne. 
Snap cant help me because I didnt buy the driver throygh them, and point me to  Blacwire Designs. Blackwire is now the reseller of an updated Push Notify driver, but they dont support legacy driver. 
So how could I proceed to get support for a driver? Any suggestions?

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Houselogix has been dead for years at this point. Think all support stopped in 2017.

PushNotify itself is iOS only AFAIK since 2018? And BrightSky itself has been 'dead. as a software developer since around the same time.

I suspect you're out of luck at this point - and I would say you've been pretty lucky indeed that that driver kept working for 4 years after support stopped....


Not what you'd want to hear I'm sure, but I suspect you may want to look into a replacement alternative, if not a replacement service. Depending on what you're doing with it now, C4's built-in push notifications may even suffice.




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