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No internet streaming services from audio matrix zones

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Hi all

You may remember that I had the total system meltdown when my dealer added a Halo and updated to OS 3.3.3.  Long story short - this was nothing to do with me (!), there were something like 10 driver updates that were required as part of the upgrade and for whatever reason these were not made.  All done and now everything is working - apart from one thing.

I cannot stream internet audio sources (Spotify Connect, Shairbridge) to the audio zones controlled by my audio matrix.

Here is a summary of my system (four zones):

  • EA-3
  • Living - audio outputs to an Onkyo receiver.  Spotify etc WILL play in this zone, which suggests C4 is pulling the audio stream and outputting it (I've checked the EA3 volume settings, etc - all look fine).
  • Other zones (Bedoom/Office/Bathroom).  These use an AMC H.O.M.E X86 matrix.  It's got power and the relevant zone lights up on the matrix when selected, as normal - so everything looks like it normally would, but there's no sound output.  Unfortunately these zones are only set up for music (something I'd like to change) so I can't e.g. see if I can get sound from my Apple TV to output to them.

I've tried the usual - rebooting, etc.  I've had a look in the rack too but there are a lot of cables as an an end user I don't want to make things worse poking around too much.  All of the network switches cables appear normal.  The EA-3 connections look normal.  I've searched the forums and tried the various suggestions.

My initial thought was perhaps this was a driver update that got missed - some research online suggests:

  • the AMC driver is the current version (1.1.117)- although this is not a particularly common matrix (and would not be my choice if I had to get a new one).  It is showing the following log message however in the monitoring section of Composer HE:  "Logger: Last Message: connectionProvider.bindingChanged().  State of binding 5001 changed but there is no connection defined for this binding"
  • Spotify Connect driver is the latest - 88 - which makes sense as this works in the living zone

I've looked at the network on my router - truth be told, I can't identify which of the items listed is the AMC (some show up named so are easy to identify - others don't).

Any thoughts gratefully received.  The binder message seems like an obvious red flag but I'm not going to speculate because there are many here much more knowledgable and qualified than me.  There are also other bits of the system that might be relevant - again forgive my ignorance but I think the EA3 outputs using HDMI, so there's a physical HDMI converter which changes this to the inputs required to this needed for the AMC.  I can't see any physical issues with this - powered up with lights on.

I'm happy to do a bit more poking around physically but the AMC unit is REALLY heavy and as I mentioned I'm an end user so don't want to go poking around and inadvertently mess something else up.

Thanks and I hope you'll excuse me starting a new thread but I think the other one had gone off track.  I will speak to my dealer tomorrow (today is a public holiday) but while also trying to solve the problem I always appreciate the ability to educate myself more on how the system works.







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I think we need a bit more info.  I'm assuming that you have a physical audio connection between your EA-3 and your matrix and the Connection bindings in Composer are correct, right?

To listen to Apple TV audio via matrix, you need to get the signal from that device to the matrix.  If all of your TV sources are run through your AVR, then you'd run a cable from a "Audio Out" port on your AVR to the matrix.  Depending on your AVR and your main listening zone speaker setup, you might have other nuances to deal with in terms of making sure your AVR can down-mix, for example, Atmos to analog stereo (some AVRs don't do this).  

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