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Power saving mode


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I am just trying to make our home more efficient, the issue is because we have a sizable property we have many C4 controllers / HDMI switch's / network switch's (POE)/ lighting panels / 16 zone amps and I'm wondering what I can do for the hours we will never use any of this equipment (12pm to 7am) - is there possible standby modes at worse turn off and on between.

Our base Energy usage is around 3kw when everything is off at night.

Any help would be appreciated. 

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About the only device that isn't adversely affected by power cycles will be audio amplifiers, everything else isn't going to be happy, and will affect component life, usage, safety and reliability.

Amplifiers can, and may already be, triggered by the system, if not that's a reasonable one to address.
Other AV, Matrix etc, will depend on the component. A streaming box is pretty low draw $5 a year, a cable box pretty high $100+ a year, but set top boxes also don't like an extended power down, so switching to an app should be a solution. Modern TVs at idle are also very low.

Processors and lighting, can shorten life and create safety and reliability issues. Also, turn off a remote bedroom processor, and the remote disconnects, so no on demand turn on based on request. Or need wired keypads, app, etc. to wake up and wait for boot up. Any monthly savings will liekly be offset by early replacement.

Shutting down network stuff, typically also takes out cameras and WiFi, which affects lots of things.

Make a list, most of the gear has published specs for idle and in use. Address the amplifiers with triggers, and switch from set top boxes to streaming apps.
Also, check with your tech, many power PDU's can tell you their current consumption.

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