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Hikvision ANPR


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I have the Hikvision driver from Chowmain and my dealer setup the ANPR in C4. The camera has a watchlist and when one of these license plates is triggered, it notifies C4.

I had an initial list of two cars to do one action and two cars for another action - the programming in Control4 has 4 individual conditional statements (1 for each car) - ie if the Hikvision driver notifies license plate X, then do Y. This all works well.

However, I want to add a longer list of license plates. Do I need to add them all to the Hikvision watchlist and repeat the C4 programming for each individual license plate?

in C4, can it lookup a Control4 list (or be an OR statement)? I would like something which I can easily edit. This still leaves me adding license plates to both Hikvision and C4 (a hassle but not an issue).

If needs be, I could change the setup so every license plate has the same action - could I then use the camera’s watchlist so the camera notifies C4 when one of these license plates is triggered and then C4 doesn’t care what the license plates is but just runs the action whenever it receives a prompt from Hikvision?


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