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WTS - Block of C4 Equipment


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- Updated, since selling it as a single block wasn't happening -

Hey all. I'm in the process of relocating and as a result, I have a block of C4 gear that I'm pulling out of my existing place. The builder in the new location is working with me around setting up the new house, but there are certain pieces he won't carry over and install for me. Rather than deal with it after, I've decided to let some of the stuff go now.

$100 each -

- 1 thermostat - Has some paint on the mounting box

- 1 3.5" wireless mini-touch screen, in white enclosure, with power cord

$75 each -

- 1 wireless outlet dimmer

- 1 Media Controller, with power cord

- 1 Wireless Contact/Relay Extender, with power cord

$50 each -

- 5 LSZ-101 wireless switches in white

- 2 LSZ-3W1 2 button switchs in white

- 1 LSZ-3W1 2 button switch in black

Everything is on 1.74, and was pulled from my working system. Shipping is extra (on top of these costs), based on how you want it shipped to you.

Thanks, and if you're interested send me a PM.

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