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Complex motion triggered lights


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Hey guys,

So i have a few motion detectors around the house that is programmed to turn on a light if its night time(and change the top LED to Red to indicate timer is running) and if not one "intervenes" (someone can intervene by pushing the top button once. This will stop the timer and change the top LED from Red to Blue), it will shut off automatically in 1 minute. The problem is that the lights turn on just fine but sometimes (and I cant repeat it for some reason) the light will not turn off after a minute even when no one intervenes. If I restart the controller, the programming works fine for a while and then it will just stop turning off. Take a look at the programming and see if I've done anything wrong:

***When game room motion senses Motion:

If time is Night time

>If Variable GameRoom Light Motion is false


>If Variable GameRoom Light Motion is true

>>Ramp to Level 73 Game Room Cans over 5 seconds

>>Reset timer "Gameroom Light with Motion"


If time Day Time


***When Game Room Cans Top Button Pushed:

Variable GameRoom Light Motion = False

Stop Timer "Gameroom Light with Motion"

***When Game Room Cans Bottom Button Pushed:

Variable GameRoom Light Motion = True

Set top LED on Game Room Cans to BLUE when on

***When Gameroom Light with Motion Timer has been Started:

Set top LED on Game Room Cans to RED when on

***When Gameroom Light with Motion Timer has been Stopped:

Set top LED on Game Room Cans to BLUE when on

***When Gameroom Light with Motion Timer expires

Press the bottom button on the Game Room Cans

I know this has a lot going on and theoretically everything should work (and it does at times!) but sometimes it doesnt work :/ I had it programmed different ways but now I use the switch top LED lights to show me the "status" of the timer. What i've found is that when the lights dont turn off after a minute, the top LED is still RED (indicating the timer is still running). Instead of simply "pushing the bottom button when timer expires", should I explicitly code the same thing that is coded when the bottom button is pushed? is that necessary?

Anyway just wondering if anyone has any advice, or better yet, a more efficient way to program this and still achieve the same thing :)


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Hey guys,

***When game room motion senses Motion:

If time is Night time

{>If Variable GameRoom Light Motion is false

>>Stop} delete, not required at all

>If Variable GameRoom Light Motion is true

>>Ramp to Level 73 Game Room Cans over 5 seconds

>>Reset timer "Gameroom Light with Motion"


{If time Day Time

>Stop} delete, not needed

***When Game Room Cans Top Button Pushed:

Variable GameRoom Light Motion = False

{Stop Timer "Gameroom Light with Motion"} delete, gets moved

***When Game Room Cans Bottom Button Pushed:

Variable GameRoom Light Motion = True

{Set top LED on Game Room Cans to BLUE when on} delete gets moved

***When Gameroom Light with Motion Timer has been Started:

Set top LED on Game Room Cans to RED when on

***When Gameroom Light with Motion Timer has been Stopped:

Set top LED on Game Room Cans to BLUE when on

***When Gameroom Light with Motion Timer expires

{Press the bottom button on the Game Room Cans} replace with next line - this is probably where it goes wrong due to what was under the bottom button programming

Ramp to level 0 in xx seconds OR turn off lights

Set top LED on Game Room Cans to BLUE when on -- add this to prevent odd times when on light remains red

***When Gameroom light Motion variable changes

IF variable = true

Set top LED on Game Room Cans to BLUE when on

IF variable = False

Stop Timer "Gameroom Light with Motion"

This as added programming to replace lines that were mentioned to be moved.

That should cover it off the top of my head...

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edited to follow other suggestions

I would consider changing :

***When Game Room Cans Bottom Button Pushed:

Variable GameRoom Light Motion = True

Set top LED on Game Room Cans to BLUE when on

to This

***When Game Room Cans level changes:

If Game Room Cans is Off

Variable GameRoom Light Motion = True

Sounds Like an issue I was having where the light would not always be turned off by the button. tHis will cover turning it off by the remotes, navigator, or any other way possible


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