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Keypad LED Color Change - Best Practice?

Mark LaBelle

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I have a 6 button that I want to display green when that source is used and Blue when not in use.  Or Red when the Garage is Closed and Green when the doors are Open.


So for Button 1, I have the button press programmed to Select Cable as Video Source in Bedroom and then i used the Room Controls - Video Selection Changed - When the video selection changes - If Room Master Bedroom Selected Video Device is Cable ---> Set LED 1: current color to Green on Master Bedroom 6 Button Keypad.  Is this the best way?  I assume, since I have no load on the 6 button keypad, that I don't want the keypad managed or bound.  I want to still use the touchscreens or the SR250 so it needs to track the state I would imagine and this is the best way. 


Also, when I want to change it to Audio using Keypad Button 3, I would use the same right? Audio Selection Changed - When the Audio Selection changes - If Master Bedroom Selected Audio Device is Digital Media ----> Set LED 3: current color to Green on Master Bedroom 6 Button Keypad.  Also, should I program the change of Button 1 back to Blue (off) in this programming or an If NOT cable statement in the Button 1 Programming?


Overall, the keypad programming for LED's is acting strange.  I have also programmed the Garage Doors on Open to turn current color Button 3 to Red and current color green when Closed.  It works when I test it, but somehow they get all jacked up and switch back to Blue at somepoint during the day.  Not sure how...but I've tried everything and the programming seems logical and straightforward, so it's got me stumped.  Since I've been programming alot lately, when I refresh navigators or refresh my project, woudl that cause it to go back to the Default Blue? 

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Yes to turn it your preferred color, you want to program it off the room a/v selection as you did.


Yes refreshing can at times set it back because on top of current color there is on/off color for bound buttons (lighting) and press/release for keypad managed buttons.

So can a reboot/reconnect to the system.

Unfortunately you can only program current and on/off led colors.


That said under normal use scenarios i should be fairly stable. Maybe an occasional glitch but that should be it. Exception is when you're programming to turn leds to colors on buttons that do something completely unrelated and get used often. Extreme example is a 3-button in a table top kit next on your nightstand that does volume control you use all the time - not the best buttons to use as an indicator for the alarm being armed.


The biggest trick is to add a small delay before changing the color, to prevent the 'release' of a button from being AFTER the color change, reverting back to defaults.


If programming colors on buttons bound to lights/scenes don't use current, program on/off both to 'red' - it'll be more stable than trying to unbind leds and doing current.

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Oh and for a/v changes I like doing this:


When audio selection changes

 execute Macro 'a'

When video selection changes

 execute Macro 'a'


Macro 'a' sets any of the programmed LED to the 'default' state, delay 250ms then goes through the programming that would set the LEDs to a certain color.


Remember, room off is an a/v selection change too!

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Awesome - just what I needed. Thanks as always!


Quick question:  Is both tunein and Rhapsody considered Digital Media, then how could you discern between the two?  So, if Button 2 is pressed - select "New Age" (Rhapsody) turn that button on Green based on Audio Selection Change to Digital Media.  But so is tunein, so if I do the same for Button 3 and want it to select a radio station on press and then change to Green, both buttons will turn green since they are both "digital media".  There is no way I can see to discern between the two. 

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