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How useful is lighting control? Seriously?


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In addition to above (porch, hall, stair, basement patio - all on motion sensors), I like it because my kids are always leaving their room lights or the basement lights on.  With Control4, I can save a TON of money on energy by turning off unused rooms.  


I also have their rooms set to slowly (over 10 mins) turn on their bedroom lights in the morning when it's time to get up for school.  They don't like it, but it wakes them up slowly.  If the alarm goes off - all the lights in the house come on; also have a button programed by the bedside to do the same just in case.


Like someone said - we don't really notice it, but guests do, and they are pleasantly surprised.

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I use the light level sensors in my motion sensors to control variables to allow or not allow lights. If the ambient light is over a certain level, kids cant turn on the lights in that room.

I have hall lights set up to slowly ( 5 seconds) ramp on the hall  lights at night to 25% so people don't blind themselves on the way to the bathroom.

Also, I have a psuedo alarm profile setup so when I 'arm' it, and it gets dark, I have some lights and TV going on and off to make it look like someone is home.

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