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SR-260 Just Got My Demo !


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Hey All,

Not sure If I should use this forum to complain about things but I am.   All this time waiting for a new hand held remote and this is what we get?   The remote display came defaulted to a weird green color that I could not even read.  Most of the other colors are worse.  I changed to "White" which is more of a off blue color and that is okay, but not good.  So we got a new layout on the keypad and clients will not use the (4) button thinking it is the select button anymore.  I have not done further testing yet but I can't get over the poor display problem.  Really guys I thought they would do better than this.....  


Granted I don't have the best eyes but neither do a lot of users out there.   Am I being overly critical?  I'd love the Control4 products,  this is a disappointment.  Perhaps the design crew can grab a URC remote some day and see what a hand held remote it supposed to look, feel and work like?  

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@HTG - 


Thank you for your feedback. Here’s a more complete visual and interactive view of the new SR-260; which was intended to be a model-revision to the already highly used, very well liked, and daily-use sturdy SR-250.


A Control4 dealer’s video overview of the SR-260 and comparison to SR-250: http://www.mycoppercastle.com/blog/control4-remote-sr260-vs-sr250



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I after watching that video I will be calling tech support.  There must be something wrong with the SR-260 we received because the display is not nearly as bright as the one in the video and we have brightness set all the way up.


I must also say the button layout it a marked improvement.

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Can you check your brightness levels? List > Settings > Config > Display Brightness

Can you try disabling your light sensor and see if that helps? List > Settings > Config > Light Sensor. 



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I suspect it might be the light sensor - I disable it because  personally find it too sensitive.

But yeah, either the brightness is low, or there's something not right - most colors should be clearly legible to almost anyone short of the blind.

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