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Keypad Dimmer LED Out

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I am having a weird issue with one button, on one keypad dimmer.  Hopefully someone has some ideas, as my dealer was no help.


Last year, I installed a new C4 system, with 2 keypad dimmers.  For the most part, I left the LEDs behavior alone (i.e. they have the blue color).  For one of the buttons, on one dimmer, I changed the programming so that the LED color is either green or red, depending on the state of a bollean variable.  Everything was working correctly until about a month ago, when the  green/ red LED went out,  I assumed it had somehow burned out, but after a week or so, it came back on by itself.  Then after working for another week, it went out again.


I have been unable to figure out what could be causing this, or for that matter what could cause it to start working again.  So, 2 questions...


1.  Any ideas on what could cause this, and how I could get it working again once it happens.


2.  When this does happen, is there any way that I can tell what the current value of the variable is, either from Composer or even better still, from one of the touchscreens?

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In the agent section of composer he where you create the variables, you can select the variable and you will be to see if its true or false

Also is it possible that the led color is being set to black, which would turn it off...

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1.  I have not seen failure of LEDs on any load control device.  With that said, my guess is you have some wacky programming going on there.


2.  From Composer, go to AGENTS>VARIABLES and select whatever you called it.  Check the value in the PROPERTIES pane.  Quicker test would be to go to SYSTEM DESIGN (I don't what it's called in CHE)>ADVANCED PROPERTIES and reassign the bottom OFF color.  If it changes, LED is good and your programming is faulty.

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Thanks for the replies.  


I don't see how this could be programming, the program is about as simple as it can possibly be, and I have never changed LED color anywhere else, and certainly not to black. 


If Variable-> Vacation is False

   Set Button 5 LED to Green

If Variable Vacation is true

   Set Button 5 LED to Maroon


It sounds like I'm just going to have to live with this. But it sure is annoying.

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Thanks for the replies.  


I don't see how this could be programming, the program is about as simple as it can possibly be, and I have never changed LED color anywhere else, and certainly not to black. 


If Variable-> Vacation is False

   Set Button 5 LED to Green

If Variable Vacation is true

   Set Button 5 LED to Maroon


It sounds like I'm just going to have to live with this. But it sure is annoying.

What is the button behavior?

What is the LED behavior?

What is the word-for-word programming?

What you typed is pretty generic, but there are 4 different LED commands, and based on the LED and button behaviors, those commands seem to do different things.

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The button behavior is Keypad.

LED Behavior : Programmed


The exact program is:


If Variables-> Vacation is False

   Set Button 5 LED on the Kitchen-> Keypad 2  to Green


If Variables-> Vacation is true

   Set Button 5 LED on the kitchen->keypad to Maroon


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^OK, I'll try this one more time for you.  If you don't want to test as I explained in post #3 that's fine.  However, your programming is wrong.  You are using the Set LED ON command without regards to the light state- the two work together.  Try using CURRENT to set the color.  Also, no need to waste programming steps.  When the variable changes just check for one of the two states.  Like this-


If Variables->Vacation is True

  Set LED: 5 current color to Maroon



Set LED: 5 current color to green

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The other confusing thing about your post is that you mentioned a "keypad dimmer".  This does not exist as such.  Then you mentioned "Button 5" which does indicate you are talking about a 6BT.  The point being is that if you are trying to control a light along with displaying a VAR state, you must use the CURRENT command.  If there is just a single mode of control (VAR state or Light) then you can get away with LED 5 ON/OFF type commands.

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Thanks controlfouruserguy.  The switch I have is the "Wireless Keypad Dimmer".



Button 5, that I am programming is only setting a variable state.  The bottom 2 buttons are being used as the dimmer, and do control the load.


I tried what you suggested in post 3.  The LED works. 


Finally, I was going to make the last change you suggest in Post 9.  The command I used is the CURRENT one.  Thats what is selected in the actions pane, but when its displayed in the script pane, it looks like I typed it, without the word CURRENT in there.  But,  I did make the change you suggest re: using 2 If steps.  When I changed the LED behavior back to programmed, and made the program change as suggested, the LED is now working again.


Now, I just hope it stays working.  Thanks again for the help.

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Oh, got one of those new ones?  I assumed since the install was a year old you had the earlier 6BT- sorry.


As for LEDs (at least the old ones) once a CURRENT command is sent, the "default" (I hate to use that term because there is no default color as such) LED color will become whatever color commanded.  Subsequent color changes are then carried out as commanded and the old ON/OFF state colors are no longer recalled.  I only mention this, as I said before, if the button is double/triple-dutied to display lighting, variable and/or media state.


Oh, I forgot to say good job for getting it back on track :)

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