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I've recently setup the MyMovies driver to work with my NAS and the HTPC IP driver.  Everything seems to work correctly (database pulls in movies, launches in HTPC, pulls info from NAS), except the metadata of the currently playing movie that populates on the App/remote.  What I've found is that after stopping a movie, the metadata still shows up and wont go away even if I switch to viewing live tv, music, or anything else on source.   If I switch away from the HTPC source and come back 10 days later it will still think the old movie is playing.  The only thing that makes that movie go away is launching a new movie, which re-starts the problem.


I found a 3-4 year old forum post that mentioned this issue and they thought it was a problem with how the software interprets the "Stop" command. 


I'm just hoping to find out if this is the default functionality, or if anybody else is experiencing this issue. 



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Could somebody let me know if i've posted this in the correct forum.  I know this used to be an ExtraVegitables driver, but I'm pretty sure it is an official Control4 driver currently.  I've already asked this questions on the MyMovies forum and the support contact directed me back here since he said this is a control4 driver issue.  



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The problem wouldn't be in the MyMovies driver - that driver only handles collection management, and has nothing to do with the actual selection of a movie or control of the playing device - the issue may be in the htpc driver never reporting it's been shut off - though I find it odd that you don't see it changing the feedback data on switching to TV for example - as it should then display that source.


Where exactly are you seeing the metadata show?

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If I launch a movie via the new watch "Movies" -> Navitage to Move -> hit play -> automatically sources to IP HTPC and launches the movie in the MyMovies "Movies" section of WMC.  Once here, the app shows a movie art and movie name in the bottom left (sometimes it just has the icon for my HTPC source, but lists the movie name). 


Next if I hit stop on the remote -> Movie stops in WMC -> treats it like a pause in the HTPC source control -> Hit stop/cancel/etc.. it takes me back to the WMC menus


From here on out there seems to be no communication between MyMovies/the remote OSD/and what is ocurring with the HTPC


For example I can go into the "Live TV" section of the HTPC and it continues to show the movie data in the lower left.  Typically before MyMovies was integrated it would show nothing except to say I'm in the generic HTPC source with the icon.


The only way to get it to remove the meta-data for the movie i've played is to launch another movie (it seems to pick up on the pressing play aspect).  The odd thing is that I found a really old forum post that seemed to describe the exact same issue.  That poster seems adamate that there was an issue with the driver using the IP control for "stop" incorrectly and instead using pause or something similar.  

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Ahhh I see.

As long as you do not change the actual source within Control4, there is no real way for the system to know you're not watching the MOVIE anymore.

This has nothing to do with the 'stop' command - the sytem is simply not getting feedback you're doing 'something else' on that source.

Indeed I'm not even sure you CAN setup a driver to see that difference (within the existing proxy) - but this is as such not unexpected behavior.

The fact that before it would just say 'HTPC' is because it never new to do something else.

Selecting a different movie via C4 would change the movie info is also normal - C4 now knows a different movie is selected.

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The odd thing is that even after switching to a different source and coming back, it still shows the old movie metadata instead of just saying HTPC so the driver seems to remember the state forever (even a week later).  I know the driver seems to have some sort of context aware state, because when I hit stop it does change the movie metadata to paused.  Would the programmer not be able to change that to completely drop the metadate if the stop button is pressed?

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The odd thing is that even after switching to a different source and coming back, it still shows the old movie metadata instead of just saying HTPC so the driver seems to remember the state forever (even a week later).  I know the driver seems to have some sort of context aware state, because when I hit stop it does change the movie metadata to paused.  Would the programmer not be able to change that to completely drop the metadate if the stop button is pressed?

That would be wholly dependent on the driver and/or if the device/program itself supports a true stop command.

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