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24 hours with OS 3

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A few thoughts about what I like and what I don't like.

Like --

- The speed seems much better
- The app for the phone and iPad is much better
- Intercom works well
- Ring anywhere works great

Dislike -- 

- Why would they get rid of the security, lighting and comfort from the main navigator?  This is driving me insane.  All that blank real-estate on the screen.  Yes, I change the temp and control my pool from my TV.  I also turn lights off from my TV.  Please, for the love of all that is good, bring this back.
- Not a fan of the side bar.  Use the main navigator area.  I will have to train my wife all over again.
- You let me create shortcuts on my app, why not let me do it to the main menu?
- What happened to the animated wallpaper?  I really liked that.
- No voice integration on the app with appleTV. 
- Modifying the Navigator menus in composer is misleading because even though you can add, arrange and hide things like security, lighting and comfort, you don't get security, lighting and comfort on the main navigator menu.  Not even on the side bar!  
- Still cannot connect to my synology NAS with the Network File Storage driver.

I realize Control4 wants to showcase their app but please stay with your roots and allow us to choose how and from where we want to control our house!

I am done with my rant, thanks for reading.



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1 hour ago, Dunamivora said:

How do you have your synology configured? I have one and it's been fine on all OS versions I've used.

I connect to my nas from my windows pc as \\ip_address\Multimedia\music  

I am using the admin user and password.  

I connect from My PC just fine.


I try and use the same in control4 and it does not connect.  I get cannot connect to network share.


I can SSH into the controller and ping the nas by name and device.  I am just at a loss here.  I never had this issue with my qnap.


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