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Multi-purpose up/down buttons on keypad

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I have a keypad that has the following buttons defined:

BUTTON1 - Advanced Lighting Scene 1 via connection/binding
BUTTON2 - Advanced Lighting Scene 2 via connection/binding
BUTTON3 - Advanced Lighting Scene 3 via connection/binding
BUTTON4 - Room Control (cycles through audio sources) via connection/binding
BUTTON5 - All off
UP - Room Control Volume UP via connection/binding
DOWN - Room Control Volume DOWN via connection/binding

Is there a way that I can make the UP/DOWN buttons control volume *if* audio is active (via room control) in the room, and make it ramp the advanced lighting scenes up/down *if* a scene is active?  This can probably be cobbled together using programming, but I would like to continue to use connections/binding if possible (since Room Control makes volume control simple).

Any ideas?

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On 7/31/2019 at 9:47 AM, LollerAgent said:

I have a keypad that has the following buttons defined:

BUTTON1 - Advanced Lighting Scene 1 via connection/binding
BUTTON2 - Advanced Lighting Scene 2 via connection/binding
BUTTON3 - Advanced Lighting Scene 3 via connection/binding
BUTTON4 - Room Control (cycles through audio sources) via connection/binding
BUTTON5 - All off
UP - Room Control Volume UP via connection/binding
DOWN - Room Control Volume DOWN via connection/binding

Is there a way that I can make the UP/DOWN buttons control volume *if* audio is active (via room control) in the room, and make it ramp the advanced lighting scenes up/down *if* a scene is active?  This can probably be cobbled together using programming, but I would like to continue to use connections/binding if possible (since Room Control makes volume control simple).

Any ideas?

What about setting default bind lights,  a button double tap binds sound for x amount of time? Something ti that effect. Not sure just a thought. I do get what you're asking for though.

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