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Chowmain - Nice DMBM Shade Controller driver (FREE)


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Chowmain - FREE Nice DMBM Shade Controller driver

Chowmain releases FREE Nice DMBM driver for Control4. This driver automatically imports Nice shades and groups into Control4. Once imported it provides instant up, down, stop + set level control and feedback from any Control4 user interface including on-screen navigator, mobile, tablet, touchscreens, keypads and more. 

Integration into Control4 not only allows you to control it from any interface but exposes the shades so that you can automatically close the shades when you arm the security system, start a movie, when it gets dark and open it when its morning or when you have finished watching your movie. 

You can also schedule the shades using Control4's wakeup / goodnight functionality, provide more fine tuned scheduling using Control4's When/Then or Chowmain's scheduler for T3 touchscreens. 

If you're heading to CEDIA Expo you should check the Nice guys out at booth 538. They have some excellent shades well worth looking at. 


  • IP and RS232 control / feedback 
  • Automatic import of motors and groups including automatic renaming. 
  • Scenes 
  • Motors 
    • Up 
    • Down 
    • Stop 
    • Level 
  • Intermediate Position 
  • Groups 
    • Up 
    • Down 
    • Stop 
    • Level 
    • Intermediate Position 


Does this provide two-way feedback? 
Feedback is provided live to Control4 via both IP and RS-232. If the customer changes the position of any shade it will update automatically on Control4's interface live! Also tells you the position as its moving for a nice added touch. 

Where can i purchase these shades? 
Check out the shades via the Nice website. 


How do I find out more information about the driver? 
Please see the links below for more information about the driver. 

Chowmain Website 

How do I buy the driver? 
This driver is FREE of charge and can be downloaded from the Chowmain website. 

Who do i contact for technical support? 
This driver is supported by Nice Group. 


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