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Alexa and Voice Programming


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I’m wanting to learn as much as possible about voice control via Alexa. So far I’m not impressed, but I’m sure there are better solutions than the one I’m working with. Here are my questions:


1. Best Third Party Driver and how much better than native are they? (I have researched and like most of what I’ve understood about Ari’s, but it’s perhaps a bit crippled pending an update?). Are there others? If it is working and I can understand the benefits over native, then I’d prefer Ari’s considering he’s here and really supports the forum and that driver well. I can think of 1 other, but I don’t know what’s been working well). And I don’t really want to have to create 12 Alexa accounts to isolate rooms. I remember reading that was required with certain drivers.


2. Beyond that, should I add a Dot per Room and can that Dot be locked down primarily to that room? Which Dot version? I currently have multiple Alexa devices via Sonos and some Echo’s in most areas, but want to have something in every room and maybe several in larger rooms.


3. Should I use the C4 Devices Discovered versus the same native devices Discovered? IE Hue, Caseta etc. there are like 3 of every device right now picked up from the bridges, c4 or individual devices in some cases. Should I delete the others and the skill for those (ie let C4 do it all?)


Once I have a handle on this, I’m likely going to delete everything and start from scratch. I’ll laminate a list of commands for each room until the family is comfortable. And leave a laminated copy in the guest loft.



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3. use the native - don't duplicate.
I am not a major fan of anything complex with voice control, i just don't think it's there yet.  Great for lights and some basics.

So for example, don’t use the C4 discovered device, but the Caseta discovered device in the case of lighting?

I’m getting tripped up with turning rooms off. I want a simple voice command to turn off a room (lights, A/V, Fireplaces and/or music). I have these “scenes or groups” set up in Alexa now. Should they be programmed in C4 instead?

What us this “Room Control” driver I read about? I can’t find much on it.

As for the addition of a bunch of dots. Can I set them up to primarily control “that” room? “Alexa turn off the lamps”. vs “Alexa turn off the living room lamps”. I thought when I was reading Ari’s driver documentation it referred to setting up several accounts. Don’t hold me to that, I could be wrong.

I know in Alexa group programming it asks you for the “preferred” Alexa device. I figured that was what that would do. Sort of isolate.

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I’m reading the Alexa “Dot in the rack” thread now. Is this still relevant? I know things change as drivers are added, API’s change etc. It seems like this would be a workable solution for at least launching native music apps from the EA5 and isolating music to a particular zone/room.

Mitch it appears as though you were involved quite a bit in that thread and had set this up a few times for clients. Is this still a best practice in your opinion. I’m still reading through.

Since I’m about 75% automated now, I’ve started to add a lot of programming. One thing that’s very frustrating is that there are so many ways to accomplish the same goals in programming motion, buttons, schedules, events, voice, etc. a perfect example is occupancy and timers with the security lights driver versus not using it versus the motion sensors native timers (delays) etc.

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3 hours ago, time2jet said:

o for example, don’t use the C4 discovered device, but the Caseta discovered device in the case of lighting?

correct, it just adds another layer of unnecessary complexity.

3 hours ago, time2jet said:

Alexa now

what tripping you up in alexa? that should work

3 hours ago, time2jet said:

What us this “Room Control” driver I read about? I can’t find much on it.

its nothing you can't do without it, just makes programming easier

3 hours ago, time2jet said:

Can I set them up to primarily control “that” room?

nope, not today

3 hours ago, time2jet said:

Mitch it appears as though you were involved quite a bit in that thread and had set this up a few times for clients. Is this still a best practice in your opinion. I’m still reading through.

I think we should talk on the phone about this and what it does, what it doesn't do before you buy anything

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