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C4 Alexa Commands



I am a newbie and I am using the Voice Commands in the C4 Home Edition software.  All of the commands must start with Turn on or Turn off.  This sometimes is clunky.  If I want to dim the lights in a room, I have to say something like "Turn on dim in kitchen".  I would rather say "Dim kitchen lights".  


Any ideas or suggestions?





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I've adopted a 3-step approach here:

1.  Create a Voice Scene in Composer (I'm using Pro, hopefully this can be done with HE), and then program it how I want.

2.  Go into my.control4.com as recommended above, and give this Scene the name you want to use (e.g. "dim the Kitchen Lights")

3.  Go into the Alexa App, and create a new Activity, giving it the name you want ("dim the Kitchen Lights"), and then under its programming, select the Voice Scene you just named in Step 2.

Now, you can say "Alexa, dim the Kitchen Lights" and it will work as you wish.

Maybe there's an easier way, but this is the only way I could figure out to be able to use 'normal' language.

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