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Xbox X - Power On Issue


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I know that the Xbox driver hasn't been updated in a long time.  @msgreenf produced the last update that I saw.  I have two Xbox X systems and just recently, 1 month ago, when you select the Xbox to Watch it Powers On then immediately Powers Off.  I'm not sure if it detects a Power Toggle when the driver starts but it always powers back off.  So, you have to use the game controller X button to power it back on.  I tried to look at the driver to see if anything extra (a second power toggle or power on) was being sent but I'm not that familiar with the DriverEditor 3.0.1.  Is anyone else using the Xbox driver?  If so,have you started seeing the same thing with an Xbox X?  I wish Microsoft would keep up with the drivers.  I just want to turn the system on with Control4.  I really don't use the C4 Remote after that.  Any help would be appreciated.

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I use it and also have 2 Xbox series X. Haven’t had any issues. Is there a reflection that maybe the IR is bouncing off of?  Maybe try some tape over the ir. 

Between my 2 Xboxes, though what I do find interesting is that while my IR is in the same general area the IR bud does not work on both if I have them both in the exact same spot in the Xbox. 

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No reflection.  They are in the same spot they have always been but after, what I assume was an Xbox update, they turn on then turn off.  I have an IR bud right on top of the “eject” button, which is where the IR receiver is located.

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