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Mockupancy and Alarm integration

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I have Mockupancy setup to manually start playback with arming alarm and stopping with alarm disarm. I did not tie mokupancy into the alarm at the driver level as I do not want it to record every time the alarm is disarmed. 

Couple issues I've run into.

1. I setup push notifications to notify me when playback has started. However there isn't an option to program when playback has stopped. 


2. If we disarm the alarm using the alarm key panel the stop playback isn't firing. Only when alarm is disarmed using a t3 or phone app does it work properly. 

Just to clarify the programming- during the dates Jan 6th to 13th, April 6th to 13th... we don't allow mockupancy to playback with alarm arm as these are the recording weeks (based on season change)



My Alarm panel is GE Networx Nx-8E & NX-4V2

Any ideas?

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One other side note: When disarming the alarm with the C4 app it disarms after the first attempt with the code; when using a T3 it can taking entering the code 4 or 5 times before the alarm is disarmed. Obviously using the alarm panel itself works after the first attempt. 

Any ideas?

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  • 3 weeks later...


For notification on not playback: that's just Idle. Idle is neither record nor play - so yes it would notify you if it stops recording if used barebones, but if that is an issue, you can just add an IF statement for IF it is recording - stop, then do the notification.


As for your programming, why bother having the IF/Else statement to stop? If it's not playing, a stop command simply won't do anything to begin with: you're just over complicating things there.


The not always disarming, and the programming not triggering when disarming from the panel are most likely not an issue with the mockupancy: it's likely an issue with the alarm panel or it's driver: networx however is so outdated at this point, that I doubt you'd be able to find much support except on here - provided someone here is familiar with the product.


I fear your best answer will be getting a current alarm panel to replace the networkx. GE/interlogix has been gone for nearly 5 years, with end of support nearing 3 years....




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