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Halo remote buttons



Can I reprogram some of the Halo remotes buttons to different functions than what they are assigne by the factory. For example I nenever use the page up and page down buttons, can I reprogram these to do something else? Like turn on and off certain TP-Link light switches or bulbs? I have the Chowmein TP-link driver.

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2 answers to this question

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Remote buttons get their function from the source device driver, ie cable box.
To change what a button does to a source you have to edit that driver, most drivers are not easy to edit.

You can program at the room level additional commands to any remote button, which are based on the sr series remotes nomenclature.

If no source device uses the page up down, you’re good. If any do, you get both the device and the room level commands. Adding if source is xyz type commands at the room level for a button you can send those additional commands for only devices that don’t have device commands. (You can not prohibit a device level command through programming, only through editing the device driver)

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