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Everything posted by dblessing

  1. I would love to hear about your process of replacing a DSC Neo with IQ Pro. I invested a significant amount of time, energy and $$ in DSC Neo but wouldn’t mind considering an upgrade in the future. I’m not super familiar with IQ Pro but seems like it’s built on top of Neo? Anyway, I don’t want to hijack the thread but please consider a post about your experience.
  2. That's really not necessary, is it? I'm allowed to be frustrated that I can't access HE for a system I just paid high 5 figures for. Also, I'm a software developer so I understand how development processes work. Yes, bugs happen and I hope C4 team learns from this and all cases. I also realize that this is a community forum and not C4 owned. And I appreciate the discussion. Thanks for the info. I'll have to discuss the situation with my dealer more. Maybe he did and didn't think too much of it since we were still in the configuration phase.
  3. It was a new system still being configured and apparently auto update was on. Assuming it can be disabled you can be sure it will be in the future. But that’s also a shame because systems like this really should be kept well updated for security reasons. Hopefully they have a retrospective on how this missed QA.
  4. I agree it's weird. I've seen other drivers where the keypad button is next to the activity/history button in the top right. I've seen others confirm that Neo driver doesn't have keypad support. I'll have to check on programming once Composer HE works again. Dealer tried sending commands to the PGMs, which do appear in Composer as relays but it didn't seem to have any effect. DSC Neo supports PowerG wireless devices. I plan to add some soon to help with automation/programming.
  5. Fair question - I don't. I can probably live without it and just be sure to go to the DSC Neo keypad in the basement if I need to reset them. But if you neglect to reset them after they go off then they will not be able to go off again so it's kind of a big safety issue.
  6. Yes. For the DSC Neo driver there's no option to just pull up a keypad. I understand the non-Neo driver has that option. I also see reference to a 'Functions' option for the security drivers but can't figure out how to configure it for the Neo driver.
  7. Any need for community testers? I'd love to see this update out yet this week. It can't get much more broke than it is now
  8. DSC Neo, specifically. One key missing piece is (so far, at least) neither me nor my dealer can figure out how to control PGM for smoke reset. Any tips?
  9. DSC Neo offers a touchscreen but I didn’t bother because my primary interface is the C4 touchscreens/navigator. Yes, Honeywell is some sort of wireless to an internet gateway.
  10. That was entirely my choice. I probably wouldn’t do it again if I knew how lacking the C4 integration was in reality. But otherwise I love that it’s a fairly simple, rock solid, *wired* system. I am not interested in wireless everything and batteries to change. What can I say? I’m a tech guy and wireless is great. Wired is better.
  11. That’s how it is configured. WAN on shadow UDM is connected to the bottom right port in the primary. It’s set up exactly how UniFi instructs and correctly detects that it’s in shadow mode. https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/19581768432535-Shadow-Mode-Gateway-High-Availability
  12. Everything is great so far. I love that panelized lighting allowed us to keep all switch locations to 2-gang maximum. Our previous house had far less lighting loads and still we had some 4-gang locations. The only places we have 2-gang now are when we have lights + ceiling fan.
  13. UniFi has a new “shadow mode”. It’s a sort of active/passive failover. Currently requires moving the network cables to initiate failover but they’re making improvements in the future.
  14. We moved into our new house last week and just put the finishing touches on the Control4 system. There's plenty more to tweak and explore but we at least have all the components integrated and the basics work. System consists of: - Core 5 controller - Josh AI Core and Josh Nanos/Micros throughout the house - UniFi network gear and cameras - Kaleidescape - 8 zones of audio with Klipsch speakers - AV receives for two living rooms with Formovie Theater projector for basement living room - 16 channels for panelized lights - Integrated security system - mostly used for smoke detectors and various sensors to use with C4 programming. I can't wait to mess with programming more as soon as Composer HE works again.
  15. Thanks, @Darin, PM C4 CX,UI. I would be happy to test a new build if needed and appreciate the efforts of the team to fix the problem.
  16. Update: Maybe it was broken Sunday at some point but my issue was also a registration problem due to my dealer trying to rollback the controller to 3.4.0 due to the bug. When/Then works for me now.
  17. @Darin, PM C4 CX,UI, any updates from the team or ETA on a patch?
  18. It is definitely not resolved and is becoming quite an annoyance.
  19. So glad to know it’s not just me. I’m a new customer and it’s been rocky. But I never quite know if it’s me, my system, C4, etc.
  20. 3.4.1. Do I take that to mean it's working for you currently? Tried a brand new browser that I've never used to access Control4. This also worked fine as of last Saturday.
  21. Unless it's just me, When/Then also appears to be broken today. I tried two different browers on two different OS's - Windows and Mac. I get different errors different times the page loads. What an absolute mess right now.
  22. Does anyone know how fast C4 could potentially turn around a release? Assuming they find and fix the bug quickly, what does their process look like? Hoping for a release in days, not weeks.
  23. Interesting. Doesn't seem very useful tbh. I doubt many Composer HE people download the newer software before their dealer updates their controller. Most probably update HE in response to trying to connect to their already updated system. Anyway, hope they get a fix out ASAP. I have a brand new house that I'm itching to program.
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