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First real question

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Our C4 system was just partially set up. I've got two wireless thermostats out of 4 hooked up, 6 lights, security and whole house audio.

There is a lot more to do with the installers but i am trying to figure out the answer to a simple question.

The new C4 thermostats both have the actual temperature display that shows a value 4 degrees higher than it truly is. So is there a way to reset or calibrate the built in thermometer?

Thank you and I am sure that this will be the first of many questions.


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To change the calibration, you would go into “ComposerPro” (Dealer Access is required), select “System Design”, and click on the thermostat. In the thermostat properties page, you will have an option called “Advanced Device Configuration”. There is an option inside there to adjust the thermostat calibration.

One word of caution. Like any electronic device, the Control4 t-stat generates a little bit of its own heat. It takes 20-30 minutes after power-up for this to stabilize. So, you should wait at least that long before making any calibration adjustments.

I hope this helps.


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