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New Driver Creation


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How difficult is the creation of a new driver, rs232? We're looking to possibly integrate a TOA 9000m2 digital mixer/amp into a new system and I have to assume there currently isn't a driver. TOA does have full documentation on their 232 controll.


if you dont need 2 way, its fairly simple. If you need 2 way communication, you have to go to driverworks, which gets much more complicated.

Not really *MUCH* more complicated, but certainly harder than Driver Wizard.


You have to remember who you are when you make that statement. We haven't all been writing driverworks drivers since before it's inception =)


While there may be *some* truth in that statement, if you're a developer (i.e. you can code in JavaScript, or Ruby, or even C/C++), you can develop DriverWorks drivers.



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