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Programing time related keypad lighting scene...

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Just a quick question. Lets say I have 2 lighting scenes that I want to trigger using sunset / sunrise or DAY / Night triggers. How would I program this?

I was thinking:

-If is day time

-If lighting scene "Master Suite Day" is inactive

-Activate Lighting Scene "Master Suite Day"

-If light Scene "Master Suite Day" is Active

-Activate "Master Suite OFF"


-If time is night time

-If lighting scene "Master Suite Evening" is inactive

-Activate Lighting Scene "Master Suite Evening"

-If light Scene "Master Suite Evening" is Active

-Activate "Master Suite OFF"



Any help would be appreciated.

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See << inserts below.


Just a quick question. Lets say I have 2 lighting scenes that I want to trigger using sunset / sunrise or DAY / Night triggers. How would I program this?

I was thinking:

-If is day time

-If lighting scene "Master Suite Day" is inactive

-Activate Lighting Scene "Master Suite Day"

<< -Stop << without this it will continue to the next line and shut it right off.

-If light Scene "Master Suite Day" is Active

-Activate "Master Suite OFF"

<< -Stop <<this is not needed.

-If time is night time

-If lighting scene "Master Suite Evening" is inactive

-Activate Lighting Scene "Master Suite Evening"

<< -Stop << without this it will continue to the next line and shut it right off.

-If light Scene "Master Suite Evening" is Active

-Activate "Master Suite OFF"

<< -Stop <<this is not needed.

-Stop <<this is not needed.

Any help would be appreciated.

Be very careful in how the advanced lighting scenes are set-up for the active/inactive tracking or this won't work like you want it too - easiest would probably be to make the "off" scene be the toggle for both "on" scenes.

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Advanced lighting scens can be assigned a toggle scene (essentially the "off scene equivalent". You can auto-create a default for say all-on that then has all devices going off. However you can ALSO manually select a different toggle scene.

So in you situation, create a day on, night on an all off. Then once all three are created for day and night select to all off as a toggle (leave the toggle for the all off blank). What this does is that whenever all off is made active - day and night become inactive for system consideration.

Then advanced scenes can also be tracked separately, so you want to track every light in the all off scene to be tracked (tracking set to all loads) at off.

This keeps things tracked better to prevent accidental "misfires"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Cyknight. I ended up using the Master Suite DAY to trigger the On scenes as sometimes 1 or 2 lights in the scene are ON like a light next to the bed and then the scene wouldn't trigger properly. I also added in a line to change from DAY scene to Evening if the time had changed from Day to night so it would drop the levels.

Here is the catch, most of the time the scene seems to work very well but the response seems very slow. I also implemented this on on a single tap. For the double tap I have it so it will go to the Day scene in case I want full lights at night and a triple tap activates an ALL off type of scene but for a larger area. These all work as well. Why would the below scene be a little slow to respond? This is running on a HC-800 for the zigbee server and ZAP and there are maybe 108 total zigbee devices.

-If is day time

-If lighting scene "Master Suite DAY" is inactive

-Activate Lighting Scene "Master Suite Day"


-If light Scene "Master Suite Day" is Active

-Activate "Master Suite OFF"

-If time is night time

-If lighting scene "Master Suite Day" is active

-Activate Lighting Scene "Master Suite Evening"


-If lighting scene "Master Suite Evening" is inactive

-Activate Lighting Scene "Master Suite Evening"


-If light Scene "Master Suite Evening" is Active

-Activate "Master Suite OFF"

Thank you again in advance for all of your help.

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