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New 6 button LED help


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Help! I have a 6 button keypad (new model). I want to set led to red when on and blue when off. I can not get it to work.

Button 1 works with an older dimmer controlling the load (Blue led top & Black led bottom when when off, Black led top & Red led bottom when on). How can I get the new 6 button to follow this? Does it need to be linked in the connection tab? Do I have to program each action i.e. With power state change?

What does the button 1 need to be set as? Follow load? program? Etc.

Also can I change the backlight of each individual button or does the back light all have to be the same?

Thanks up front for any help!!

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Cy - Thanks for reply


To clarify - I need to have Button 1 (on new 6 Button) bound to "Master Lights" dimmer on the connection tab ( I assume drag it on the toggle icon on connections tab ). If that dimmer is set to: Blue led top & Black led bottom when when off, Black led top & Red led bottom when on, then this should make the button 1 Blue when the light (load) is off  and Red when on?


Again -  what does the button 1 need to be set as? Follow load? Program? Push? Etc.


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If you don't bind the switch you can write a macro to have it apply a certain color to each button depending on the state of some other switch.   I did this so I can also use my press and release on teh 6 buttons to control volume but have the lighting stay on or off in the linked room independent of the volume control button push.

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