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Custom button to play file from My Music


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Sorry, a couple more basic things I can't seem to figure out. I'm trying to add a custom button that plays a specific file from My Music. I have the custom button set up. I have a media scene set to activate when that button is pressed that sets the volume in the area I want. However, I can't figure out how to tell it to play the file from My Music. The C4 YouTube videos don't seem to show this. Also, eventually I want this button to activate a playlist. However, when I right click on the playlist name in Device Events it doesn't just let me select the location of the music folder like in the 4 video. It keeps going deeper into the folders like it wants to select a file. Do I need to create an XML file for it to select? That isn't what it looked like she did in this video at 9 minutes. Thanks so much for any help!


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That worked! Thanks so much! I just didn't know any better re: Media Scenes. I'm just trying to learn this from their You Tube videos which are blurry and outdated. Is there a better way to learn this stuff without having to ask questions on here? Every time I try to use the search function I'm not finding much on here. Seems most of the questions being asked are far more advanced than my level. 


Any idea on the playlist problem? I noticed she has "All Files" selected, but mine only allows XML files

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Here's probably your best bet. I know C4 is working on updating their end-user info but it won't happen overnight.


Not sure what you mean? I already explained selecting playlists in the previous post. If you're trying to import playlists from something other than C4 - that doesn't work.

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