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Anyone have a photo of indoor Temp Sensor installed?


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one is perfectly flush

the other not so much - but more of a crappy job I think vs intentionally not flush.

but i thought I once read somewhere that they shouldnt be perfectly flush because they may get a misreading.  But I read what you read, so that is why I am confused.  I can take a photo of both of mine tonight.  I am have some work done in my house, so if I were to make changes, now would be the time to do any adjustments.


I think you would get quicker readings for temp swings without being mudded and painted. Depending on the purpose it may be completely acceptable to have the peaks and valleys smoothed out by having them slightly covered.


NOT mudded over - they need to have a small (~1mm) airgap around them to be truly accurate - note that this is a gap between the wall and the ring on the sensor, not a 1mm ring that looks into the wall. In other words the sensor is mounted sticking ~1mm 'out' of the wall.

It is paintable though


https://www.dropbox.com/s/z4tde1npsobum9l/2018-07-02 11.17.44.jpg?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/vlug76y3ciuuock/2018-07-02 11.17.59.jpg?dl=0


Thanks.  these are the two I have installed right now.  both rooms are being repainted, so wondering if I should just leave it be.  

End of day I think they are fairly accurate.  I have other methods to take a temp reading in 1-2 of these rooms and its usually within 1-2 degrees and given how light comes in through some windows I can expect a slight variance in temps.



30 minutes ago, Cyknight said:

Top one is not 'proper' - bottom one is ok, but not ideal.

But if it works....

yeah thats my thought.  I am leaning towards just repainting vs trying to move them.  its almost like if your oven is always 10 degrees off, you set it for 360 if you want 350, etc.  been in the house for 4+ years and we are comfortable with our HVAC settings, so even if its +/- a few degrees, its not as if my HVAC is saying its 87 in the house when its really 67 in the house :-)


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