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Programming Keypad Button for Volume of Active Media Scene

MTS Power

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I've created a media scene for 4 zones of speakers outdoors. I programmed a wireless keypad button to turn it on and set the default volumes. . Now, is there a way to program the volume buttons on the keypad to increase/decrease all 4 zones of the media scene? I have some ideas on how but interested in how others do this.



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I have not tried but you should be able to tie the volume control to the media scene, but this is likely only available through pro.  otherwise you can program the start and stop for each room to the button. but they will likely get further out of sync the more you use the volume control. likely 1-2% between the first and last room. if you program it just right it might be just fine.

start volume up/down 1





stop volume up/down





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