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Tidal Setup



Ok so I took the leap and converted from Spotify to Tidal. The integration was getting to me and the constant "but dad this is to complicated" comments. Now the question in composer do you setup one instance of Tidal and then make it visible in each room. I don't think this is the answer. 


Do I create an instance in each room and login with the same account. The reason I ask this is I don't know if tidal will see this as multiple logons if you playing in more than five rooms (Family account) or if it only login once for c4 and then do some magic to use that account.

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1 minute ago, ILoveControl said:

Ah thank you I do have a family sub. Just for clarity each member gets six instances, So one family account can support up to six rooms?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Yes, one family subscription can support 6 different streams of Tidal if set up properly.  Obviously each stream can be used for one or more rooms.

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