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Copy Programming from one device to another


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I have some programming associated to a Motion Sensor that after a lot of trial and error works really well. I now want to copy that same programming to another device without doing it "by hand."

I haven't found a way (and maybe their is not such feature?) to "copy/paste" or "export/import" programming from one device to another. This seems like it would be a basic feature for homes  with a lot of devices, so I think I am being dense and over-looking something that might be right in front of me. 

To re-iterated, I don't need programming help and am looking for advice on the best/fastest way to "copy and paste" programming used on any device to any other device. The programming is not THAT complicated, but it's long enough that re-creating by hand for dozens of motion sensors would be a non-trivial amount of work and error prone.

Programming Example.PNG

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  • Vahn changed the title to Copy Programming from one device to another

Yikes. I kept trying to "select all" to "copy" and totally overlooked the "copy all." Boy, do I feel like a dummy. Thank you.

I like the Macros idea even better, so you only have do that once. Never even considered that. Thank you again!

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