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User access Limitation

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Good Day,

I'm pretty much confused that how many user can access in one account through app simultaneously. And what is the maximum user can login one account? And how many user can access remotely through 4-sight at the same time?



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There re no 'hard' limitations on how many DEVICES can be on an account

I do not believe there is a hard limit to how many USERS can be set to each account either (though am not quite 100% sure) - a user can have multiple devices

There is no HARD limit to how many users/devices are connected remotely at one time. It's going to depend more on your system's internet (speed/reliability) and to a lesser degree networking.

At some point the controller may get overburdened as well, trying to send info out.


We tested this (mostly for fun) some ago and we had 9 people with something around 30 devices looking at cameras on our system and while it seemed to slow down switching cameras (ie load time increased to grab a live stream) it kept working

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