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Programming Music and Fireplace on of toggle


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Hey guys, Is there an easy way to program something to say "If the fireplace is on turn it off" and if the fireplace is on turn it off? The same applies to music but in composer the conditions are nit there if attempting to do this from a macro or such. HELP?

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7 hours ago, tims said:

Hey guys, Is there an easy way to program something to say "If the fireplace is on turn it off" and if the fireplace is on turn it off? The same applies to music but in composer the conditions are nit there if attempting to do this from a macro or such. HELP?

Music toggle I would use the room control driver. 

Fireplace how is it connected?

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So the room control driver is killer. I actually forgot about that. Thanks for the heads up... 

I do have one more thing that is drives me crazy... I want to know if you guys use the HDMI CEC or not?

What I mean is that Apple TV, Firestick, LG tvs all have their own CES protocols where they try to control the video movement and sometimes they work right and sometimes not...  My question is: Should I just turn CEC off on all TV, APPLE TV, FIRESTICKS etc...  when hooked up to EA1/5 controllers and let C4 to get everything rock solid everywhere? My assumption here is that when using programming in C4 and choosing lets say.... Apple TV in the living room that C4 automatically selects the input based on the bidding...  meaning nothing else would need to be done... Is my assumption correct?

Thanks guys!

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18 hours ago, tims said:

meaning nothing else would need to be done... Is my assumption correct?

Yes three more times.

CEC is mediocre at best, and in a C4 environment is VERY likely to cause issues.


Disclaimer - there ARE certain Video switch solution in C4 that USE CEC so yes there are some cases in which it's supposed to be on. This is for the nit-pickers only, as it's very unlikely to apply to OP or most people on here 😉

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