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Touchscreen works in one location but not another


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So I have 2 old 7” touchscreens: 1 in a bathroom that constantly reboots (see thread somewhere down below) and 1 in the kitchen that is almost either always just black or on a screen that says press to configure - when I hold down on the screen it shows that it’s not connected to the director, so I connect it and then it works for a little while before going either black or back to the configure screen

Now, if I swap the 2 touchscreen locations something weird happens - the kitchen one works fine in the bathroom location (and, the bathroom touchscreen with the reboot problem continues to reboot in the kitchen)

Any ideas why the kitchen touchscreen seems to work when I move it to the bathroom location?

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12 minutes ago, pinkoos said:

Yeah, I'm convinced about the bathroom screen being bad, but wondering why that screen wouldn't exhibit the same behavior as the kitchen screen when it is installed in the kitchen

As was stated above, could be the act of swapping the screens.
You may find putting the kitchen back, it behaves again.

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