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"locking" a switch so other actions won't turn it on

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I discovered today a flaw in my programming and am stuck on how to resolve it.   I have an electronic dog door that is hooked up to a control4 outlet, so I an control if I want the dog door to be locked OR if the either gate is in the open position, then outlet ("Dog Door") will turn off.   Once both gates are in the closed position, the outlet will turn back on.  The simple idea is that I don't want the dog to be able to go outside if the gate is open and she can escape. 


I discovered today that when I had my landscaper over, I hit the outlet off on my control4 app because I knew they were here. When the landscaper closed the gate (but wasn't done with their work yet), the dog door turned on, and the dog could go out.  


What I really want to happen is if I turn off the dog door from control4, it will remain off until I hit it back on via the app. So if someone opens then closes the gate, the dog door should not turn on.   I know in my programming below, I have it say when the gate closes & both are closed, then turn on the dog door.  

What suggestions does someone have so I prevent the gate closing  to turn on the dog door if I have turned off the dog door first via an app.  




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Add a variable (boolean aka true/false) called doggy override.

From there you need a way to turn that variable to 'true'

My suggestion is either use a double or triple tap on the button(s) you use to manually 'lock' the door to toggle it, and maybe add programming to turn the LED a different color when the variable is true (and back when false)

Alternatively, or in addition, you can use an Experience button to enable and disable the 'override' (set to true/false) but that would require your dealer to add said driver.

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Thanks cyknight, I was thinking some sort of variable. I’ll need to think through it more because if turn off the outlet it will set off the variable. And when the gate opens, it then triggers the outlet to turn off which would then trigger the outlet. 

I’m my head I’m thinking that if the gate opens 1st then outlet turns off then variable is not triggered. 

and when gate closes , if variable is “true” , then nothing happens , but if variable is “false” then outlet will turn back on

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Best would be an experience button.

This will work, the only exception is you can't engage the over ride if the gates are open and the auto already turned off the outlet, for when you want to lock it off and it's already off.

Outlet On
--If Gates open  (failsafe, so you or auto can't turn it on by mistake)
----turn off outlet

--If Gates closed  (resets the variable after you turn it off, the only way this can actually engage is manually)
----variable over ride false


Outlet Off
--If Gates closed   (sets the over ride, the auto part can't run this if gates aren't closed)
----variable over ride true


Gate Closed
--If over ride false  (auto mode stop)
-----turn outlet on


Gate Open
--If over ride false   (auto mode stop)
----turn outlet off  

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Ah, this makes sense. Thank you very much. I can’t think of why I would need to override it to turn on the dog door if gate is open. If hitting the experience button, I’d def want it off. 

I think this should work and makes sense 

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