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Looking for a 2022 model Samsung TV IR Driver

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We are having a similar problem where the Samsung TV IP Control Driver doesn't consistently turn the TV on in the morning (about 80% of the time it doesn't work). When it doesn't turn on, I can't get it to turn on without manually turning it on. Once I manually turn it on, it will then respond to the on/off commands consistently.  

My TV is a year or two old and has worked great up until about a month ago. Please post here if anyone finds a resolution. Thanks.

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4 hours ago, Southerncentralrain said:

We are having a similar problem where the Samsung TV IP Control Driver doesn't consistently turn the TV on in the morning (about 80% of the time it doesn't work). When it doesn't turn on, I can't get it to turn on without manually turning it on. Once I manually turn it on, it will then respond to the on/off commands consistently.  

My TV is a year or two old and has worked great up until about a month ago. Please post here if anyone finds a resolution. Thanks.

I control TV’s only via IR, I hope someone else will help you out with IP control.

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so a few things we do and really have no issues with ip control with the occasional having to pair a tv again. we have done lots of frame tvs, i have 1 in my house but its a 2020 model and ive never had an issue. we dont static, we use a dhcp reservation. we also rename the tv in the router. At one time a few years ago we had a few of the frames wreak havoc on networks until we renamed them. If you are having continuing problems i would reserve it out of your DHCP Range to ensure another devices isn't causing the issue. if you continually have issues serial is a better option.

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