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How do I use Source Sync in Room Control Driver?



In our family room, we have an LED TV and a projection screen that drops down in front of it when needed.  There are two different "rooms" called "Family Room TV" and "Family Room Projector."  I'd like to write code that seamlessly switches across the LED TV and Projector, and I'm wondering if I can use the Room Control driver to do this.  Here is what I want to accomplish.

1. If Family Room Projector room powers on, and if Family Room TV power is on, then turn off the LED TV.  [This step is already written.]

2. If Family Room Projector room powers off, and if Family Room TV power is on, then:

a) Turn on the LED TV.  [This step is written.]

b) Switch the source in Family Room TV to match the source that was most recently playing in Family Room Projector.


Currently, I accomplish 2b by checking "Current_Selected_Device" and issuing the right input command to the AVR, but it is a cumbersome process. 

Is there a more elegant solution that would use the Room Control Driver to make sure the sources are in sync when the projector screen goes up?

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