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Programming C4 to control Mark Levinson 380s

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Dear all

I’m new on this forum and this is my first post. I bought an EA1 to control my AV room. I have a few devices that use IP Tyo communicate to C4 bug one device (Mark Levinson preamp 380a) requires IR communication

my installer was able to program everything but has been struggling to get C4 to control the Mark levinson 380s. He installed the Mark Levinson 380s drivers but could not get C4 to communicate with the Mark Levinson. I would like to check if anyone is using C4 to control this preamp and how they were able to program C4 to do it. 

Edited by TimbaLand
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They're pre-amps and he means IR. Most likely when failing to control using IR is placement, next is weak or poor placement of the receiver inside the actual device itself (you can take the bulb out of the casing and/or use an IS 'shield' to increase intensity of the bulb) or on rare occasions, just a bad IR. Exteremly rarely there are just crappy devices to control IR no matter what (I'm looking at you Bose Lifestyle)

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3 hours ago, Cyknight said:

They're pre-amps and he means IR. Most likely when failing to control using IR is placement, next is weak or poor placement of the receiver inside the actual device itself (you can take the bulb out of the casing and/or use an IS 'shield' to increase intensity of the bulb) or on rare occasions, just a bad IR. Exteremly rarely there are just crappy devices to control IR no matter what (I'm looking at you Bose Lifestyle)

The IR blaster blinks for some commands but not for others.The preamp responds to the original remote. The  Mark Levinson remote doesn’t have an on and off button. Pressing turbo outs button is how it’s switched on and to switch it off you make a long press on the remote’s display button. It looks like the drivers for this preamp were either incompletely built 

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Your installer should know, that he simply needs to learn the standard remote if the database one isn't working. The database one isn't a certified driver (so, whilst Control4 created it, they don't guarantee it, and it was actually created in 2005, and last modified in 2012, so likely targets really old C4 versions). Also, I've never seen one of these preamps onsite (so at least here in Australia, they're not common, but overseas, they may be, as Australia tends to have different equipment)

It could also require IR commands which alternate if commands only work sometimes (which your installer should also be able to handle)



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Highend vendors remotes are typically afterthoughts, expect nothing.

The HEX codes for that unit can be found on Remote Central, and do not include power on or off or toggle, so those likely don't exist.

Use power controlled outlets for the preamp and amp (turning amp off first, and preamp on first), if the preamp doesn't power on when unplug when on, you'll have to leave it on all the time, or mod the unit by soldering to the standby button itself and using a relay from Control4.

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7 hours ago, Andrew luecke said:



Your installer should know, that he simply needs to learn the standard remote if the database one isn't working. The database one isn't a certified driver (so, whilst Control4 created it, they don't guarantee it, and it was actually created in 2005, and last modified in 2012, so likely targets really old C4 versions). Also, I've never seen one of these preamps onsite (so at least here in Australia, they're not common, but overseas, they may be, as Australia tends to have different equipment)

It could also require IR commands which alternate if commands only work sometimes (which your installer should also be able to handle)



He is busy trying to learn the remote and hopefully will get it right 

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2 hours ago, RAV said:

Highend vendors remotes are typically afterthoughts, expect nothing.

The HEX codes for that unit can be found on Remote Central, and do not include power on or off or toggle, so those likely don't exist.

Use power controlled outlets for the preamp and amp (turning amp off first, and preamp on first), if the preamp doesn't power on when unplug when on, you'll have to leave it on all the time, or mod the unit by soldering to the standby button itself and using a relay from Control4.

I’ve shared this screenshot with him

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