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Lighting shortcut on T3 screen 'forgetting' status of light

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Sorry if this is a dumb question, i tried searching...

I have a weird situation where one of my T3 screens has a shortcut on it for a particular light.  very frequently it is as if the shortcut isn't being updated to the current status of the light it is set to control.  As an example, I will use the shortcut to the light on.  at some point in the future, say 30 minutes, i will try to use the shortcut to turn the same light off.  However it won't do anything.  I need to go into the actual lighting submenu on the screen, and turn the light off from there.  Once i do that, the shortcut will update and reflect the current status.  Is this a known bug, or is there something setup incorrectly?  I have deleted the shortcut and remade it several times as well, trying to solve the problem.


I don't know if this situation occurs on other T3s, or my phone / ipad, i always forget to check when it is happening.

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There's a somewhat related post on Facebook Pro Group today (T4 scenario buttons not updating properly), you might be chasing an unconfirmed gremlin. If anything positive is added to that post, I'll relay.

Theirs the app is always fine, and changing rooms, and coming back will correct the button state.

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