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Doorbell on touchscreens tone

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I have a chime doorbell, speakers in most rooms, and 4 T4 touchscreens.  When the doorbell announcement mp3 file plays (through the speakers), the touchscreens play another announcement tone for an extended period of time (regardless of whether the "call" is answered via anothe touchscreen).  Can I disable this announcement tone on the touchscreens?  I have volume set to 0 for them in Composer (on the announcement setup), but that does not seem to do anything.

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1- take that volume 0 out on the announcement, that is for your detailed announcement only.

2 - if you don't want ANYTHING to play from the touchscreens, simply remove those touchscreens from the announcement

3 - to prevent the default 'ring' you'll have to go to each screen and disable the 'play door chime' option on the properties page.

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Thank you for the reply.  I can remove the touchscreens from the announcement, but that is not my ideal functionality (as then you cannot see who is at the door).  And it may not be happening in the announcement itself.  When I execute the announcement from composer, the chime plays, but there is no intercom screen.  The "play door chime" option was already unchecked in all of the touchscreen properties.

Ideally the screens would show the front door video call when the doorbell is pressed (as they do now), but with no door chime volume.  I suppose I can turn off the volume on the screen call settings (on the touchscreen), but this would turn it off for all intercom calls.  Is what I'd like to do possible?

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5 hours ago, chicagod said:

Thank you for the reply.  I can remove the touchscreens from the announcement, but that is not my ideal functionality (as then you cannot see who is at the door).  And it may not be happening in the announcement itself.  When I execute the announcement from composer, the chime plays, but there is no intercom screen.  The "play door chime" option was already unchecked in all of the touchscreen properties.

Ideally the screens would show the front door video call when the doorbell is pressed (as they do now), but with no door chime volume.  I suppose I can turn off the volume on the screen call settings (on the touchscreen), but this would turn it off for all intercom calls.  Is what I'd like to do possible?

Huh!  You seem to be confusing 2 distinctly different things.

Including (or excluding) the Touchscreens in the announcement simply determines whether or not the Touchscreens play (or don’t play) your MP3 file when the doorbell is rung.

Whether or not the Toichsdreens show the vide from your doorbell camera  when the bell is pressed is determined by what Touchscreens you have included in the call (either via properties in the Chime driver or in programming  of a group call from the Chime driver).

Follow @Cyknight advice if you want to achieve what you originally asked.

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Default doorbell press on chime = call all screens. The check mark I mentioned only disables the 'dingdong' sound (don't confuse the name of the doorbell which is 'Chime' with the wording 'play door chime'. The latter literally just means 'play ringing sound if doorbell station calls'. I can see where it may be confusing mind you.

An announcement is NOT an intercom announcement, it is the ability to play a sound effect triggered by an event.

The fact hat you may be trying to sound a 'doorbell chime' sound through speakers when the 'Chime doorbell' button is pressed has nothing to do with the INTERCOM portion of the door station to call a touchscreen (or your phones).

Up to you if you want to screens to play that announcement as well, though if I don't recommend it for your scenario (keep it simple: play desired sound, be it winchester chimes a roaring lion or a machine gun firing, on the speakers, leave the touchscreens 'dingdng' off and just have it deal with the intercom.

Yes, the wording can be confusing: announcements have been in use for a LONG time and more recently added touchscreens as an option (but before intercom was introduced), then came intercom and eventually the doorstation got to be called 'chime'..... so it all sort of evolved into this setup where some naming conventions could use an update....

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Thank you very much for the detailed information!  I ended up simply adjusting the CALL RING DURATION in my Chime doorbell settings to 20 seconds.  It was 50 seconds before, and the main issue was that the touchscreens would be making noise for 30 more seconds after that (after the ANNOUNCEMENT finishes playing on the room speakers).  Now everything stops around the same time.

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@Cyknight This is great info.

I've had a chime for about a year and love it.  However, just installed a T3-Wall10 screen yesterday.  Was hoping a doorbell button press would get a live video on the T3 (I assume this is "intercom"!?).  I know that the T3 should be able to get live video.  I'm guessing I don't have the chime set up properly.  I do see that the T3 is in the "call group".  Do you have any advice for this?  Currently, in programming, a doorbell press sends a push notification of "doorbell", and sends an announcement (I chose a rooster noise--lol).  I attach my settings as jpgs.

C4 chime events.jpg

C4 video events.jpg

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