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Failed CORE3 update, now can't login

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Tried to update my Control4 CORE3 to the latest version yesterday and that update failed. Warning light on the controller started flashing after about 15 min. Left it alone for another hour, just to be sure, then did a power cycle. After that it did not show up on Composer HE anymore and nothing worked in the house. Tried to connect to the controller from a different computers, also tried the "add Director" option and manually entered the IP address (CORE3 still showed up on my router), but nothing worked.
I then did a hardware reset of the controller, after which the CORE3 reappeared in composer HE, but still would not allow me to login. Got two different errors, either: could not connect ..., or other times: could not authenticate the connector to Director. Sometimes it said the controller required OS Management Package 3.30, which it then installed, but still got the same errors when connecting.

Searched online and found that the authenticate error could be because of a time discrepancy between the computer and the CORE3. Used System Manager, which can connect to the controller, and saw that indeed the time was wrong, tried to change the CORE3 time but that didn't work, then adjusted my computers time to match and rebooted the system. Still get the same errors when trying to connect with Composer.

My Control4 dealer is unfortunately very unreliable and has not responded to questions for help. 

Need some advice please.



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They aren't so there must be something else at play here. You need the controller to be re-registered after using device image updater and reloading the project

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So I need my dealer, who's been missing in action for the last 8 months.
He was in the middle of finalizing my setup, got a phonecall, said he'd be back later, never saw him again. Not responding to any of my text's or emails. No explanation.

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