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Posts posted by BubbaDuck

  1. I am installing a Pentair IntelliCenter. It's driver version 26 which is the latest from 2021. The driver works perfectly in programming and Composer - I can toggle the heat, the pump, etc etc and get temp value back. So it sure seems to be working. However, for the life of me I can't get it to show up in the iOS app. It shows as visible in the Pool properties under navigator. I have removed the driver and reinstalled. Hidden the driver in the room, refreshed navigators, made visible and refreshed navigators. I've done the Extended Sync in the app. I feel like I must be missing something as this certainly has just worked in other projects (or maybe I am thinking of IntelliTouch?). Any ideas before I "make the call"? This project is on 3.3.3 FWIW.

  2. 30 minutes ago, zaphod said:

    Do you need to show the cameras on the TV screen in PIP?  Why not just use a tablet and display the camera feed on the tablet?

    Simply put, the client doesn’t want that. Especially in their theater room. 

    I think my angle here is either the driver with the overlay or maybe I can talk them into push notifications with a screen shot. Worst case, I’m pausing whatever is on screen (Roku, satellite etc) and flipping inputs. Maybe I can make that a value add argument and send the NVR out over a Cat to HDMI to say “now you can see all the cameras”. Just annoying as I’ve always spec’d Sony and somehow I slept through PiP disappearing on the newest OLEDs.

  3. In the past I have used the built in PiP capabilities of TVs so show cameras etc on TV screens. Sony has stopped including PiP on their latest OLED models which has created a problem. I can swap inputs to another HDMI to show full screen controller output (EA-1 etc) but that is very disruptive. There are multiviewer devices but they either are cheap and don't support Dolby Vision/HDR, 60/120hz etc or are super expensive ($3k ish I've seen). I have also seen the Splash Tiles driver which puts an overlay on the screen which is generally ok - but it is cloud based and that makes me nervous. I'd much rather something that was 100% local.


    How have other's solved this issue? Is there a device or driver or something else I have missed?

  4. Sooo, the silence at the beginning of the file is better than letting C4 insert a delay if the amps are already off.

    For when the amps are on and music needs to be interrupted, while it works and the volume lowers before the announcement plays, the 5 seconds of silence is very awkward when the user just wants to get back to music. I'm afraid my original work around idea is going to be my win here. I'll also probably create two announcements. One to run when the amps are off and another when the amps are on with variables and and explicit commands. Too bad the native announcement timing logic seems very mushy.


    Just now, Cyknight said:

    What seems to work best is to have a short bit of no sound at the front of the actual file - usually 250 ms is enough - which gives the system time to start the file, then lower the volume before there is any actual sound

    Ah, that might be a good idea too. Instead of letting C4 do the timing, build it into the file. I might try that before dorking around with macros and variables. Duh, sometimes the best fixes are the easiest.

  6. I have an announcement that has a volume set in each zone. The problem is, if music is playing at say 50%, I want the announcement to play at 20% lest the announcement is waaaay too loud. The issue is that C4 changes the volume, but it is terribly delayed and the announcement is 75% over before the volume drops to the set level. I know the issue is C4's timing as when I manually send a command to the matrix using telnet the change is instantaneous. The announcement also has a 5000ms delay built in to let the amps come online if they are off FWIW. Is this a known issue? Any ideas on a work around? One idea I had is create a variable and macro. When the announcement trigger occurs, record the current volume to the variable, do an explicit volume change in the zone, execute the announcement, when the announcement is complete set the volume back to where it was based on the variable. This is essentially recreating the native work flow of an announcement with explicit programming. Any better ideas?

  7. Paul is the man. We went back and forth for a few weeks tweaking and getting it just right. I’m amazed this isn’t native functionality honestly. My wife was always complaining about how the keypads next to the bed either kept her up OR she had no idea the status of things as they were blacked out in the dark. The night mode allows you to mash any or all or a subset of buttons on the keypad (he has a debounce built in so you don’t accidentally trigger something from the initial grope in the dark mash), the LEDs and optionally the backlight light up for a set time period, you do your adjustments, it goes back to black out. 

  8. On 5/6/2021 at 11:25 AM, msgreenf said:

    Coming back to this almost a year later.... That driver did not do what I was asking for here, but the developer just added it as a "night mode" per my request. Half PSA (at least I think the feature is super useful as I asked for it) half followup/closure for anyone else searching the forum.

  9. 25 minutes ago, RobE said:

    So you communicate using either ethernet (cable?), wifi or Bluetooth.
    1. When you communicate for example over the Internet using wifi - mustn't there be a gateway?
    2. Another question - is the protocol two-way like for Z-wave?

    To be extra super clear - the ChowMain driver talks directly to the Shelly devices on the local network via Wifi. It’s 100% local control and the Shelly cloud is unnecessary/optional. I tore out all of my personal Vera Zwave devices and went Shelly as the integration is superior. Real press and hold to dim and other goodies the Vera integration never could do.

  10. On 12/20/2021 at 3:40 PM, chopedogg88 said:

    yes I've seen the same issue with the 2021 Sony TVs that I just installed.  Try enabling Simple IP control on the TV (not in the Control4 driver though), that seems to keep them alive on the network better.

    This is the right answer. I went absolutely bonkers for 6 months troubleshooting this exact issue and enabling Simple (despite the driver docs making it sound like a leper) fixed everything. Three months in and I haven’t had a panicked pissed off call since.

  11. I have combed the forums and I think the only answer is a new room buuuuut, I thought I would ask.

    I have a room with in-ceiling speakers fed from a matrix amp. The room also has an AVR feeding floor standers and center channel for the TV. The goal is to be able to play Pandora/Sirius/TuneIn etc from C4 to either the ceiling speakers OR AVR speakers. There is an EA3 going to matrix amp and a WMB to the AVR. The ceiling speakers are Audio Endpoint 1. AVR is Endpoint 2. Is there a way to do this in a single room or with a custom button?

  12. Dealers aren't in it for that and C4 is a dealer system. That said, I do solve some issues with ESP32s. For instance, for the life of me I can't find an IP based 12 volt trigger. So much of the time everything in an install is in a closet or basement far from the active subs so I really want a remote 12v trigger I can use on subs. I just end up making them with a project box, ESP32, a buck converter, relay, and 12v PSU and toggle the trigger from a web call from the ChowMain IP driver.

  13. For sure... I was just musing on when to use one or the other. As for why a Z2IO is so expensive... because it can be and there a limited C4 Zigbee options due to their proprietary Zigbee implementation. All of this stuff is 10 cents worth of parts from a Chinese factory marked way as they are hard to make in your basement.

  14. They have relays which is their bread and butter. The Shelly 1 would work as it is just dry contact and can run off of AC main voltage or DC low voltage. I don't know if it would be any better than a Z2IO other than an option in a no Zigbee install. Sensor wise, they have a window/door sensor which is just a Wifi reed sensor.

  15. HDFury Vertex2 Not the cheapest, 4 in/2 out with extra audio only out (lossless) to send to an AVR, it has <1ms latency, plays nice with all the latest HDR tech, HDMI 2.1 (seemingly a must for the PS5 crowd), has a free C4 driver, and can be controlled via IP (Ethernet), IR, or RS232. More EDID control than you could ever need. The web interface allows you to also control the unit via automation too as it uses simple calls like http://someIP/someoption?someparam=1. Highly recommended as I have essentially your identical setup.

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