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Always@Home, vacation lighting driver


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We have released a new driver called Always@Home. This long overdue driver makes programming vacation lighting drop dead simple. Always@Home also adapts to your changing schedules with no interaction required! Once you have registered and quickly setup Always@Home, it begins recording all lighting activity from the list of selected lights. Always@Home will keep a rolling 2 week (14 day) window of recorded history. You can then actuate the 'Playback' mode and Always@Home will go back and start replaying your recorded history. This is how it works:

1. You install the driver into your project

2. Register your driver with your license number

3. Select the lights you'd like to have Always@Home 'record'

4. In your "away mode macro", just add an Always@Home action to begin playback

5. In your "disable away mode macro", just add an Always@Home action to stop playback

That's it!! Setup literally takes less than a minute. I don't know how many countless hours I've spent trying to program some crazy/pseudo-randomized schedule for myself and customers. And the end result is just mediocre.

Always@Home is a perfect replication of your daily lighting activity. If your schedule changes and you start working a night shift...no problem! Always@Home will continually adapt to your current lighting use habits.

Always@Home works on director versions 1.7.4* and up.

If you have questions or would like more information, then please reply to this thread or email us at: support (at) pocketwaredesigns (dot) com

Please visit http://www.pocketwaredesigns.com for more information, driver download and licensing.

*Director version 1.8+ allows use of a pop-up menu with check boxes to select your lights. Always@Home works just fine on 1.7.4 as well, but you'll have to manually enter the device ID's of all lights you'd like to have recorded. If interested, we have some great to find these device ID's very quickly and easily...just ask.

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We have a Dealer/MSRP pricing model.

If you are an end user then you can obtain a copy in one of two ways:

1. If you have a current dealer then contact them and they can install it for you.

2. If you don't have a current dealer then contact us at: support (at) pocketwaredesigns (dot) com, and we can assist you.

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We have a Dealer/MSRP pricing model.

If you are an end user then you can obtain a copy in one of two ways:

1. If you have a current dealer then contact them and they can install it for you.

2. If you don't have a current dealer then contact us at: support (at) pocketwaredesigns (dot) com, and we can assist you.

So what is the MSRP?

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This is AWESOME! I have spent so much time creating "randomized" lighting scenes, that probably don't accurately reflect what we really do at all! I haven't done so with the new house yet, and with the release of this I won't be!

Sounds like a great tool. If it works as advertised (like PocketKeypad does) then it will be a great tool.

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So what is the MSRP?

Sorry...I probably used the wrong term. We don't have a published retail price at this time. We have a set dealer price for the driver and a minimum selling price for the dealer, more along the lines of a MAP I guess. This is because the amount of time saved by using this driver over what a dealer typically spends to program a vacation lighting schedule varies greatly from home to home. A large home with extensive lighting could require several hours (or more) to program an 'acceptable' vacation lighting schedule, while a smaller home with minimal lighting might only take an hour or so to program.

So for pricing...PLEASE contact either your current dealer or you can always contact us at the email I posted above and we can assist you.

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I wish we could buy these products for a set price including driver installation from the C4 app store.

chesterwilson, while I am obviously a huge fan and proponent of people providing a published MSRP (so you don't end up paying $500 for a driver that others are buying for $100 like in that other thread), I can tell you tetondev is a stud, and you should absolutely contact him offline if you're interested in the driver.

I can also tell you that you DON'T want to buy these in the app store...the prices would be substantially higher. The reason I think people are shying away from selling their products in the app store is two fold: You have to pay $99/year for the privilege; and (the real kicker) Control4 takes a hearty 40% cut of the sales price AFTER they deduct the cost of credit card processing.

Obviously they have hard costs involved, but I think 40% is excessive. If the devs sell outside the app store for $60 (using round numbers here) they would have to sell it for $105 in the app store to net the same amount.

If you think these drivers are expensive now (because the ecosystem is so small), if they were all on the 4Store they would be substantially more.

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I wish we could buy these products for a set price including driver installation from the C4 app store.

chesterwilson' date=' while I am obviously a huge fan and proponent of people providing a published MSRP (so you don't end up paying $500 for a driver that others are buying for $100 like in that other thread), I can tell you tetondev is a stud, and you should absolutely contact him offline if you're interested in the driver.

I can also tell you that you DON'T want to buy these in the app store...the prices would be substantially higher. The reason I think people are shying away from selling their products in the app store is two fold: You have to pay $99/year for the privilege; and (the real kicker) Control4 takes a hearty 40% cut of the sales price AFTER they deduct the cost of credit card processing.

Obviously they have hard costs involved, but I think 40% is excessive. If the devs sell outside the app store for $60 (using round numbers here) they would have to sell it for $105 in the app store to net the same amount.

If you think these drivers are expensive now (because the ecosystem is so small), if they were all on the 4Store they would be substantially more.[/quote']

Sorry, I don't mean to single out tetondev, because he is willing to sell it to me directly.

I'm not sure how selling outside of the appstore leads to lower prices. After all the devs for the most part don't sell direct and thus we end up paying the 40% markup either way. Obviously this is different for devs who are willing to sell directly.

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