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Changing with room an SR250 is controlling


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I would like to change which room the SR250 is controlling programatically rather than having to go through all the button presses on the remote. Is this possible?

I have an SR250 which is setup on the master bedroom. I have it programmed so that when the green button is pressed the radio is turned on in the Ensuite, and if pressed again it turns off the radio in the Ensuite. What I would like to do is change the remote from controlling the master bedroom to the Ensuite when the radio is on so that the volume buttons will control the ensuite. When the Ensuite radio is turned off have it set the remote back to the bedroom.

If this is not possible, I was thinking that I could set a variable to indicate if the ensuite is on or not, and then use this variable on the volume up/down to change the Ensuite volume rather than the bedroom. Is there any problems with this method? Will the volume button presses still try and change the bedroom volume as well?



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No you can't, and yes it will still control master bedroom volume in your second desciption. It may also not ramp the ensuite volume nicely, especially IF the master is on as well.

Basically what you're trying to do does not fall in the realm of possibilities. There have been many attempts that I know of (including some of my own) to create this sort of dual control of rooms off of one remote and it it just won't work nice.

If anyone wants to prove me wrong - please do.

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Thanks Cyknight for the quick response. The master is generally off when we use the Ensuite radio. I may try the second option and set default volumes for the master to fix any volume changes that may have occurred by changing the enSuite volume.

Here's to hoping your wrong :-)

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Unfortunately, Cyknight is correct.

There's no way programmatically to have the SR-250 change rooms. The only way to have it do so is to do it through the 'List navigator' menu, when you hit the 'List' button.

Location -> House -> Floor (if there is more than 1 floor) -> Room.



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Before getting a Control4 system when we built our new house we used to have a Harmony remote where every button was labeled as to what it did. Having to remember what each of the colours do, and be limited to 4 buttons is a big step back. We have been in the house for close to 2 years and the wife is just now getting used to using the green button for the enSuite. Also with the yellow and blue are already programmed for the master bedroom there really isn't any that we could use.

I really wish Harmony would partner with Control 4 to create a great Zigbee remote. Or Maybe just create a good IP remote.

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What i have done in my house is added 2 control 4 light switches to the ensuite. One to control the lights and the other to control the fan. When the light turns on the music starts to play. then after a 3 minute timer the fan start and the music turns up to a level that i can hear in the shower over the fan noise. When the light is turned off the music stops and the fan continues to run on another timer for 10 minutes. I rarely ever need to have the volume adjusted.

In my buddies house we put in a flow sensor on the water feed to his shower which then turns on the fan on a timer and turns the music to a higher level.

You could also have one tap one the light switch turn the light on then a second tap would turn on the light and the music.

Just a couple of other possibilities.

But yes a new remote with a couple more "custom" button has been brought up many times on the dealer forums.


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