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Ignoring Motion Sensor


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So I have an Axxess Motion sensor in the kitchen.  We keep our dog in the kitchen when we leave our house.  So the thought is, I'd like the sensor "off" when we leave so if its dark and we keep the lights on, the lights won't shut off if the dog is just laying around.


So I have something set up that says if its after sunset and the alarm is on away, turn on the kitchen lights.  Seems to work but eventually the sensor was picking up the dogs movement, then if no movement, would turn off.


I created a variable called kitchen sensor override and labeled it false (Boolean).   Under my alarm I have it when security is armed to away

> Variables > Kitchen Sensor Override = True


Under the programming for the sensor in the kitchen:

? If Variables > Kitchen Sensor Override is Fals

   ? If time is night time

       > turn on kitchen lights



There are times I get home and the lights are off.  Its puzzling.  For the 2nd piece I'd like maybe to trigger the lights to go on after sunset and not "night time" but I do not see that option and maybe its not just late enough yet (but certainly dark enough) to call for the lights to be on.



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I think you may have this backwards.

Depending on how you code things, you need to use the override to prevent you kitchen sensor coming into play when you have the alarm armed to away.

Something like this:


When alarm is armed to away

    variable kitchen sensor override = True



When kitchen motion senses motion

   if kitchen sensor override = false

       reset timer kitchen lights


When timer kitchen lights starts

   turn on kitchen lights


when timer kitchen lights expires

   turn off kitchen lights

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hmm, so now you are putting in timers.  what is the timer for "kitchen lights".  The time in which if no motion is detected the lights will shut off?  I have that timer for 5 minutes.


Or are you referencing another timer for another function?

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I don't actually program exactly as I outlined above, I actually use Variables and put all my code (where appropriate) in the 'When Variable Changes' function.


This gives me (in most circumstances) a more user friendly structure for debugging and easy to run functions from multiple sources

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry to revive my old thread but something is missing.


prior to the motion sensor i had a great little set up in the kitchen, if alarm is on and its "night time", put kitchen lights on.  this is because i am assuming IF alarm is on, dog is home in her crate in the kitchen, so give her some light.  worked perfect.  I have identified a situation where this programming is not working.  its dusk and we are leaving, so we leave the lights on, alarm the house and leave.  the lights will go off in the kitchen.  however, if we leave the house at say 4pm (with plenty of light out so we have the lights off) and we are out past "night time" then the lights will go on and stay on.  Any idea on this?

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under the Motion Sensor I have...


? If Variables > Kitchen Sensor Override is False

       ? If time is night time

              > reset timer 'kitchen timer'



for the variable I have Kitchen Sensor Override as a Boolean variable and its set value is False


Under Security System has been armed to away or stay...

Variables > Kitchen Sensor Override = "True"


Basically if alarm is in stay or away and its after sunset, I want the kitchen lights to remain on, regardless of the motion sensor.  When alarm is disarmed, back to using the motion sensor.

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Under Security System has been armed to away or stay...

Variables > Kitchen Sensor Override = "True"

   > stop timer



Under Security System has been armed to away or stay...

Variables > Kitchen Sensor Override = "True"

Stop Timer


should the stop be nested or not?

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ah ok I did not have anything at all in that screen of programming.


I only had code under the motion sensor, and in the alarm stay/alarm away settings


So I have the programming in 3 places, under the motion, within the alarm and within the variable


Test this to see how it performs?

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Like I said - I suspect what is happening is that the timer is running as you arm the system, it expires and turns the light off.


There's more than one way to skin a cat - and I can give you a whole different method of programming what you have now - but this would be an easy fix.

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