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HC300 SSL Error upon Registration

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Have a new old stock (ie never registered) HC300 running that I'd like to bring up to current, well 2.5.3 current, however I'm having a few issues in regards to registration, and figure before I go down the rabbit hole I'd ask here if its pretty well known.

Upon attempted to register, I'm getting an SSL_ERROR_SSL, Error while communicating with the Web Services.

Clock is correct, have tried multiple MTU settings, the SSL Patch, however according to the KB its for 2.0.1 and under, and says my system does not apply.  Even creating USB media does not matter as the system is not registered, thus it won't update

I've dug into the logs and according to the error it has to due during Certificate Validation

SL_ERROR_SSL error:0D0C50A1:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_item_verify:unknown message digest algorithmerror:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed LSE = 0</Fail></C4SoapResponse>   

Hopping into the shell I can manually run /usr/bin/openssl req -nodes -config /usr/bin/openssl.cnf -new -keyout /etc/openvpn/client.key -out /tmp/clientreq.pem -days 1095 -batch -subj /C=US/ST=Utah/L="Salt\ Lake\ City"/O=Control4/OU="Remote\ Access\ Authentication"/CN=control4_hc300v2_000FFF131964/emailAddress=cert-support@control4.com, however the error above continues

What do you believe my best plan of action is?  Have C4 manually register the system in the backend to bring me up to at least 2.2?  

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Nah - you CANNOT update/register etc ANY system below 2.2.0 anymore these days. You HAVE to do either a restore stick to go to at least that (use 2.5.3) or use a USB update stick. For those devices that have built-in factory restore there is a special update program available that upgrades the factory restore image to either 2.5.3 or 2.6 (depends on device).


If you 300 is a 'C' series (also called V2) you'll have to use that program, though I'm unsure if it wouldn't force it to 2.6 (I don't think so, think that is the touchscreens). If it's an older 300 version, you'll need to create a restore stick. And no, not having it registered doesn't make a difference.

Note that if your SYSTEM is 2.2.0 or above you CAN update secondary controllers (and other devices) just fine the normal way - by adding to the system and running an update.

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  • 1 year later...
5 hours ago, ronlonnborg said:

OK, does somebody have a copy of the SSH Patch. I restored my HC300C using the reset button by the audio jacks. It restored to Version 2.5.3, but not able to Register it.


Greatly Appreciated

its online from the dealer portal

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