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Advanced Lighting Scenes without binding


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(First post, I am a newbie, thanks for putting up with me).  If you delete a scene that your dealer has bound to a key on a keypad, and then create another with the same name, does the binding remain?  Comments in this thread suggest otherwise, and I am afraid to experiment!  IMHO if Control4 did it right then the binding should remain until the dealer explicitly removes it, if ever.  After all, deleting and starting over (by copying from another scene, for instance) is often way easier than editing, no?

Also, knowitall, can you expand a bit (little more explanation) on your answer in this thread?  Where does the code you show go?  What is the I in "? I is active".  I have every key in every keypad bound to a script (I bought the dealer's tech lunch two days in a row) but still if there is magic to skip this crazy and unnecessary step in the process then HE would be so much more useful.  I want to know!  You say that "binding" is more reliable ... can you elaborate a bit?

I must echo knowitall's warning about double-tap ... I removed them all.  The "system wait" to decide if a tap is single (or a second tap is about to come) is way too long and the whole experience feels like an unresponsive system!  Every computer mouse driver in the world gets this right (and can even be user modified in some!), why can't Control4?

Advanced Lighting Scenes and the underlying agents replace and obsolete all kinds of programs brilliantly.  The dealer's tech installed a lot of programs as he usually does, and yesterday we erased them all, the effects you create yourself with Advanced Lighting are easier, better, more modifiable, self-documenting, etc.  IMHO.

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6 minutes ago, Larry said:

f you delete a scene that your dealer has bound to a key on a keypad, and then create another with the same name, does the binding remain?

no it does not.  The GUID, or internal identifier of the scene has changed.  The "english name" is just the friendly name

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Wow, thanks for the amazingly fast answer, msgreenf!  Well that's bad news.  At least you saved me a lot of heartache.  I will have to edit each scene manually, no shortcut via a copy therefore.  Such is life!

I can tell already that this a GR8 forum/community.  Thanks all.

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