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New owner of control4 items - and a total noob - looking for pointers etc

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Hi and thank you to admins for letting me join. Hopefully this is the best area to post this?

As per heading - I have come to own a number of Control4 items. I see from reading some posts here an amazing amount can be done with this brand.  I have been an audio tech most of my life, tho in stage and theatre sound. i have not dabbled into any multifunction home systems, until I inherited a collection of items. Not all from one location - bits and so on.  I probably won't have a need or use for a lot of what can be done with any of these items (tho I might amend that after learning some more)  🙂I live fulltime in a bus and I have floor to celing racks x2 for my recording, ham radio and A/V acticities.  Is there someone who, after I put up a list of items, would be able to hold my hand and give me a quick crash course?  And if I can implement any functions available from the iterms I have, even if just "basics". My first interest is in if I can use a C4 16AMP3-B amplifier as a stand alone muti-channel amplifier? For eg: a pair of outputs to the kitchen spkrs, same for bedroom, studio and instrument amplifiers etc. To be able to mix and match audio sources to outputs - is this possible in "dumb" mode, to be able to control some of the functions and audio routing via the remotes?  One system looks fairly complete and used a number of wifi modems to connect to the various zones.  I will start getting a list of items - perhaps a little dated, but perhaps a good place to start the learning curve 🙂  I am in New Zealand also.

Thanks, Graham.


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5 hours ago, msgreenf said:

The control4 amps can't be used as standalone. They require a controller. 

Do you have to be added to a system?  Or can you just use the dial and buttons on that old map to map an RCA input to a speaker output zone, and to control the volume?  It would be awkward and painful, but wouldn't it work?

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Amps are amps. They're not smart or controlled in any way other than taking the low level RCA input and amplifying it. It doesn't need a controller to work. You can literally plug any audio source with RCA outputs into the amp and get audio out to speakers.

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10 minutes ago, bballjn64 said:

Amps are amps. They're not smart or controlled in any way other than taking the low level RCA input and amplifying it. It doesn't need a controller to work. You can literally plug any audio source with RCA outputs into the amp and get audio out to speakers.

True on a standalone amp, not true on a matrix amp.  Something has to tell the ins to connect to specific outs.

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1 hour ago, SpencerT said:

True on a standalone amp, not true on a matrix amp.  Something has to tell the ins to connect to specific outs.

Oh you're right, I misread the model and was thinking it was the C4-AMP108 which doesn't not include the integrated matrix switch. My apologies.

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