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Three rooms and one TV

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I have an open plan area which contains 3 rooms (TV area, dining and kitchen). There is one TV and it can be seen from all 3 of those rooms and I was hoping to make the TV available and controllable from each of those rooms. Each room has its own Sonos endpoint so when watching the TV in the kitchen, the sound would come through the speakers in kitchen, watching from the dining then it would be from those speakers and the TV area has the Sonos soundbar. With Sonos I can group speakers but how do I get the TV to appear and be controllable from each of the other 2 rooms.

I have seen the Room Control driver being talked about so I am guessing that may help, but how would I set that up so you can press 'Watch TV' or something from the kitchen and it will turn on the TV in the TV area and the speakers in the kitchen.

Ideally I would like to keep the 3 areas as separate rooms as they have their own audio space, lights, curtains etc.

Thanks for any advice

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You should be able to go into connections and make the single TV the video endpoint for each room.  Then you are just setting the specific audio point for each room to be the Sonos for that room. 

I don’t have Sonos but I do this with my pool pavilion where sometimes I want the audio of the TV in it to play on the TV speakers and sometimes I want it over the pavilion speakers, but sometimes I want to play music over the pavilion speakers while the TV speakers is playing what’s on the TV. So I have two rooms. Pavilion and pavilion TV. I can’t control the one Tv from both rooms 


See pics below for two different rooms with the same video end point. 



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