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New C4 Remote?


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Saw this posting on CEPro (there are actually 2 new articles on c4) and wondered if anyone has info on a new c4 remote?

"Even so, it’s probably time for a refresh of the Control4 remotes, and the company plans to introduce a new one this year, according to VP Paul Williams."


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I do. :)

Sorry, no information is currently publically available.

Control4 does not typically pre-announce, or discuss future products, other than things like Paul mentioning it to CEPro. :o


Lucky! Wishing C4 would come out with a remote like the Elan G's new remote...very cool.

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I'm just going to pretend I haven't bought 3 250s in the last 8 months. :<

That being said, I can't complain TOO much about the 250 remotes. They're solid & work fine. Diving deep into their menus for some of the functions is a pain, and the lack of programmable buttons kind of sucks. I know, I know, there are programmable buttons, but many of those are spoken for already depending on the current task (Bluray, satellite, Xbox, etc.).

What I'd like to see is a screen like on the Harmony's - screen for labeling programmable hard buttons on the outer edge. But predominately hard buttons ... giant touch screens suck.

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FYI, a wireless InfinityEdge would be a *touchpanel*, not a *remote* in Control4's terminology.

Thus, Paul's comment doesn't cover that.


Edited to Add: Changed 'announcement' to comment, since Paul didn't technically make an announcement... :)

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As far as remotes go, I think the 250's rock. The WAF on them is very high and they stand up to kid abuse very well. Great piece of gear IMO. I would hope C4 is spending their time and effort in other areas that need it far more (media player anyone?).

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As far as remotes go, I think the 250's rock. The WAF on them is very high and they stand up to kid abuse very well. Great piece of gear IMO. I would hope C4 is spending their time and effort in other areas that need it far more (media player anyone?).

I agree that the SR250s are a really great remote. I'd love to see them add hdmi to the controllers while increasing processing speed in order to properly write an on screen DVD management interface that can rival XBMC/Boxee etc. The media player is great, as long as you use a Dune instead of the C4 unit :P

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